[保養] 高雅既玫瑰保濕面膜 fresh Rose Mask

今日想講呢隻面膜喺網上既評價都幾特別,可以話好壞參半!有d人好鍾意就真係好鍾意,但係有d人又會覺得一d用都無。 我都敗咗呢隻mask好耐,其實用多幾次我就用完,所以我諗都係一個good timing去寫下我對佢既感覺(我老人痴呆呀, 我一路以為我寫咗!!)。

(English:  Today I want to talk about this particular face mask and what’s interesting is that the comments online are so diverse!  Some are absolutely in love with it and some absolutely find it useless.  I have had this mask for quite awhile and I think it will be totally used up after a few more times’ usage, so I guess it’s the best time to review the mask now (ahhhhh…indeed, I did think I wrote about this before!!  OMG!!)

fresh Rose Mask

價錢(Price):HK$520/ 100ml

Product Information:“極致奢華的玫瑰保濕面膜能高效補水,即時改善肌膚暗啞的問題。柔滑啫喱配方注入了純正玫瑰花,使面容煥發光采,締造幼滑誘人的肌膚。面膜揉合了高效鎮靜成分,可減輕面上紅腫敏感的問題,令肌膚重現青春光采


(English: “Rose Face Mask hydrates and tones the complexion to restore radiance and suppleness to all skin types. The unique, cooling gel formula is infused with pure rosewater and real rose petals that literally melt into the skin.
Key ingredients:
-Pure rosewater and real rose petals are notable for their soothing and toning properties
-Cucumber extract and aloe vera gel help to reduce inflammation and have an immediate cooling and calming effect
-Porphyridium cruentum, a “smart” algae, delivers optimum moisture
-Antioxidant-rich green tea helps to brighten and protect
How to use:
Apply to cleansed, moist skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse with water. Can be used daily.
After an independent consumer testing panel used Rose Face Mask:*
-100% reported healthy-looking, supple skin
-93% felt their skin was moisturized, softened, smoothed, and soothed
-93% noticed a cooling and calming sensation
-90% said it nourished and visibly improved the appearance of their skin


使用次數(No. of Usage):almost a jar

用後感:其實我想試呢個Rose Mask真係超級耐,但係因為佢價錢都唔平,所以我成日買咗其他產品。 上年年尾終於敗咗佢, 當然要好好試下啦! 初初見呢個mask我覺得佢真係好高貴,因為個mask入面真係會見到玫瑰花瓣! 聞落個陣係有一陣清新既玫瑰花香。感覺好天然! 佢個質感係比較gel狀,黃黃地色。 敷既時候覺得涼涼地,幾清涼!! 初初有少少吉吉地既感覺,但係唔係敏感,只係我太乾啦! 敷完過水,感覺好保濕(唔係潤),同埋見到膚色白淨咗同埋均勻咗!!! 正!!原本我都覺得唔係好奇,好多mask都有呢個效果啦,唔洗買咁貴。但係有一次,我塊面痕痕地(想作敏感),我又想敷下mask,但係又唔想亂黎,於是我諗我敷呢隻啦,天然野應該唔刺激! 點知敷完之後連痕都無埋! 哈哈,之後佢係我心目中既地位就同佢個價錢一樣咁高喇!! 我覺得呢隻Rose Mask係保濕,唔係潤。夏天同埋你皮膚唔係超乾用就好正,但係如果你要潤既感覺,呢隻mask係俾唔到你架! 我自己就好鍾意呢個mask,唔單只保濕,仲可以均勻膚色!最正係當我皮膚開始發傻個陣用,簡直係無敵見效!!正!!!呢個mask回購度超高(但係要等我用完屋企個d先!呵呵。)。

(English:  Product Review:  I had been wanting to try this Rose Mask for so long, however, since the price is on the high side, I usually opted for other products first.  I finally got it at the end of last year and I had been testing it out ever since.  At first, I found this mask to be quite “elegant” in the sense that you could see rose petals inside the mask!  The scent is wonderful and it’s a true rose scent – smells natural!  The texture is of a gel format and it looks yellow!  When use on face, there is a cooling sensation and is quite refreshing!  First time I used this mask, there was some stingy feeling on my side, but it wasn’t allergy, it was purely due to my skin was so dry.  After rinsing, skin is fabulously hydrated (not moisturized) and the skin tone is brightened up and more even!  Nice but there are so many other masks who can do the same thing?  I don’t really have to get myself addicted to this expensive Rose Mask, right?  However, one time, my skin was acting up (pre-allergy feeling) and it was getting itchy, I wanted to put on something but I didn’t want to put on just anything, so I used this Rose Mask thinking that it was natural and blah blah blah!!  Ha, guess what?  After I washed off the mask, my itchiness was gone as well!  Excellent!!  From then on, it holds a really high position (as high as the price tag) in my heart!!  I feel that this Rose Mask is more hydrating than moisturizing and it’s perfect for summer use or your skin is not way too dry!  But if you are looking for a “moisturizing” product, this might not be it!  I personally love this mask not only because it’s hydrating, it can even skin tone as well!  And it’s perfect for me to use during my “pre-allergy” time to calm my skin down!  Totally in love!!  I will definitely repurchase the Rose Mask, however, I have to wait till I finish the millions face masks in my place first!! *laughs*)

(product information is extracted from http://www.fresh.com)

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