[保養] 玫瑰香香的精華 ♥ fresh Rose Hydrating Face Serum

呢枝產品成功地打入咗我四月份的大愛! 點解呢? 要睇落去先得喇。不過咁,其實我用咗好多fresh既產品(我相信我有某d都仲未分享),好多我都覺得好好用。 如果你地未用過佢既產品又想我終合一下如果試呢個品牌要試d咩先,你地可以話我知啦,等我可以拍個片同大家分享一下。雖然我都未試哂佢所有產品(有機會既,放心),但係面部既我都試過幾樣野,都應該可以做個brand recommendation! 其實我想拍brand recommendation好耐啦,即係話如果試一個新品牌,試佢咩產品好d呢?。你地覺得有無用?如果有興趣就講聲,我開始安排下!!哈哈!!好喇,入翻正題分享下呢枝新出咗無幾耐既Rose Hydrating Face Serum 先:

(English: This particular product made its way to my April Favourite video! Why? Then you have to read on. Well, when I come to everything I have tried from fresh (I believe some reviews are still outstanding), I fall in love with many of them. If you haven’t tried their brand before and you want some consolidated comments on what to try from this brand, you can let me know and I should be able to shoot a video and give you some ideas of what to start with. Even though I haven’t tried everything from the brand (someday I will, no worries). I have tried quite a few of their face products and it would be sufficient to make a brand recommendation. Actually I have been wanting to shoot one for awhile aka if you are going to try a particular brand, what my recommendation would be to start with. What do you think? If you are interested, please shout and I will get it arranged. Right. Let me get back on track and start talking about this new born baby from fresh:)

fresh Rose Hydrating Face Serum


價錢(Price): HK$490/ 30ml

Product Information:


• 純淨玫瑰水有效舒緩肌膚,玫瑰花精華油瞬間滋養肌膚
• 紅景天根部萃取能提供抗氧化保護,加速肌膚細胞新陳代謝*,賦予細胞活力,儲起肌膚需要的膠原蛋白
• 洛神花酸能促進細胞更生,有助去除肌膚暗啞,重現光澤
• 月見草油能促進膠原蛋白合成 *
• 青瓜萃取有助鎮靜肌膚及締造清涼觸感
* 經試管測試證實”

(English: “A lightweight blend of moisturizing and age-delay ingredients that hydrates, revitalizes, and restores radiance to all skin types. In addition to soothing rosewater and nourishing rose flower oil, the serum is enriched with golden root extract, which comes from a rare Tibetan plant and helps maintain the skin’s vitality with its powerful antioxidant and cell-energizing properties. This fast-absorbing and long-lasting formula is proven to provide significant moisture and protect the skin from free radical damage. Use after cleansing, alone or prior to moisturizer, for a healthy, youthful complexion.

Key Ingredients
• Rosewater helps to soothe and rose flower oil helps to nourish.
• Golden root extract provides antioxidant protection and helps preserve collagen*, boost the metabolism, and energize skin cells.
• Hibiscus flower acids help boost radiance.
• Evening primrose extract is known to boost collagen synthesis.*
• Hydropatches form a protective moisturizing veil to attract and retain moisture.
• Cucumber extract helps to calm and cool the skin.”)

佢個蓋個設計好好呀,唔係普通開蓋,而係令架,我覺得幾好wor, 有時成日開咗個蓋又要搵位放,一陣失憶又唔知放咗係邊。令既好丫!

(English: I love the cap design. It’s not the normal one whereby you actually open it up, you just have to twist it! It’s good in a way because sometimes I do forget where I actually put the cap *laughs*!!)


Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):21 Times

用後感:先講佢個氣味,真係無限驚喜!! 如果你同我一樣好鍾意玫瑰既味道,你一定會鍾意佢,因為佢係高級玫瑰香(所以我都好愛佢個Rose Mask,我要再買翻,愛到用完喇)。市面有好多產品都有玫瑰香,但係高級既聞落係好清新亦都可以聞好耐。但係如果係一般既,會問問下覺得好濁。當然,fresh既係屬於優雅既玫瑰香啦。 我每次用之前都會先放係掌心聞下先,之後先用係面,真係好relax(享受!!)!! 佢個質感唧出黎係類似gel cream texture,有實在感得黎唔厚重,亦都好容易俾皮膚吸收,好適合呢個天氣用。 通常我既皮膚一到春天就會唔生性,一係就出不知明既粒粒,一係就敏感。 但係我用呢隻serum之後再用Rose Gel Cream,另外分享),我皮膚超穩定,好開心!! 我用咗佢三個星期,我覺得佢既功效唔係淨係保濕咁簡單!! 佢保濕方面真係做得好好,因為我用完佢之後覺得第二日面係出少咗油(皮膚缺水會出油), 皮膚亦都好有彈力!! 另外就係因為夠水丫,我見我面上面既毛孔細咗, 超開心!!! 而家要好好好近睇先睇到毛孔丫!!正!!!同埋我覺得我皮膚亦都無咩暗沉既情況出現,用咗佢三星期,我當中好少敷mask, 但係皮膚都依然係有光澤!!超讚呀!!! 我超級愛呢枝產品,愛既程度係我屋企有好多其他產品,但係我就指定要用佢先安落!!哈哈!!! 太正喇!! 我諗唔到我有咩理由唔愛佢。 如果你唔需要好強美白(呢個產品唔係美白產品),但係你想揾一枝比較全效既精華!!! 我超推呢枝產品!!! 快d去睇啦(又燒大家,唔好打我丫!!)!!!

(English: Product Review: I have to rave about its scent first,
simply AMAZING!! If you are a rose scent lover, you will like this
because it’s a high-end rose scent (this is why I love its Rose Mask as
well, I have to repurchase that as I have used it up already). There
are so many rose-scented products in the market, however, the main
difference in the scent itself is that the high-end ones are just way
more friendly to the senses. Of course, fresh’s signature rose scent is
appealing and almost elegant. Every night, I would squeeze some
in my palm and sort of smell it first before actually applying on my
face. It helps me to relax and calm my nerves before bed time. What a
luxurious enjoyment!! For its texture, it’s almost a gel cream texture,
it’s solid but it’s not heavy. It gets absorbed into skin really
easily, which is perfect for this weather. For my skin, it usually gets
naughty during Spring either in the form of having sudden bumps or
allergies. After using this serum for 3 weeks (top up with the Rose Gel
Cream which will be analyzed in another day), my skin has become a lot
more stable. I am really happy!! I feel that this isn’t only effective
in hydrating, but also in other surprising areas. It hydrates skin
really well because I find myself with less oil secretion the next day
(skin with not enough moisture will secrete oil), skin has become a lot
more elastic! Also, due to a good amount of moisture in my skin, my
pores become less visible, now I have to be really close to the mirror
to see my pores. Yay!!!! Excellent!! Plus, another bonus point is
that I notice my skin is not dull anymore. During my 3 weeks’
experiment, I seldom use other facial masks, still, my skin achieves
that radiance!! Absolutely amazing!!! How much do I love this? I love
it so much that I reach for it every night even though I have millions
of products at home. Yea, that’s the way I show my love towards a
product! It’s a great product and I have no reason not to love it. If
you are looking for something which can achieve an overall results
(instead of just whitening since this is not a whitening product), then
you get my back on this product!! Go, try it out and I am sure you will
love it as much as I do (please don’t hit me since I might have tempted
you again *laughs*)!!


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.fresh-hk.com)

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