Fresh + Chantecaille 敗家之旅

其實想試Fresh同Chantecaille都有好一段時間, 但係因為價錢太過恐怖既關係 (你地都知我唔會淨係買一兩野就走得人個d人黎ga啦, 成日都好似要同人地清倉先安落咁~), 所以我見到佢地counter都會彈開.  不過, 呢期有d覺得成日見黎見去都係個d brands, 真係好悶, 好想搵d新衝擊, 咁Q又真係有d野用完左要買 (屋企無貨lu), 所以做完一輪research之後就去左佢地兩個counter找死喇 (你一陣就知點解我咁講).  先去Fresh, 後去Chantecaille…走完兩個地方就帶左下面堆寶貝離開喇:

(English:  I have been wanting to try Fresh and Chantecaille products for a long time, however, their prices always scare me away (you all know I won’t just haul 1 or 2 items, I have to clear everything to feel like I have actually hauled something *laughs*), therefore, it’s best for me to stay away from their fabulous counters.  Well well well, these days, I feel that I have lost interest in most of the brands – kinda boring, I want something new something interesting something I haven’t tried before.  What a coincidence that I have used up some of the items in my place and I haven’t got any stock!  I did some research and decided to commit suicide at their counters (you will know what I meant in a bit).  First stop was Fresh and followed by Chantecaille, I hauled the following….)

你而家明我點解話找死啦?  本身去兩個counter諗住係敗3樣野, 點鬼知複製左咁多野出黎.  真係血留成河…不過算啦, 應該全部都好好用 (自我安慰當中….哈哈…).  不過逐樣睇下係咩黎丫, 麻煩睇片喇:

(English: Now you understand what I meant by “committing suicide at their counters”.  Originally I wanted to get 3 items at the 2 counters and I ended up with what!  A BAG OF STUFF!!  I felt so sorry towards my purse, but what the hell, we all need a bit of treat from time to time.  What’s more is that I do believe every one of them would work well (yea I am comforting myself haha).  Well, let me go through each one with you in the video:)

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