[保養] 保濕抗老面膜 ♥ fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask


(English:  I love being in a clearance mode now because I can literally force myself to use some of the products that I felt I didn’t like at the first / second trial.  Today I am going to share with you once of those products, when I first used it, I didn’t feel the “wow” effect and therefore it was put down for awhile, but these days, I sort of revisit it again and guess what?  I am surprised!! *laughs*)

fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask


價錢(Price):HK$820/ 100ml

Product Information:


(English: BLACK TEA INSTANT PERFECTING MASK is an intense hydrating treatment that
immediately reveals softer, more supple, and younger-looking skin.”



(English:  The texture is quite fun, it’s like soufflé!!)



Apply The Mask:

After 30 mins:


使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感:我見人地話薄薄地敷成晚會有好好既效果,我初初用第一次係咁用,但係我覺得唔得,我唔係太鍾意個面痴笠笠個感覺,同埋我覺得第二朝起身無咩特別。我又試過跟佢個instruction用,敷5-10分鐘過水,又係無咩睇! 之後放咗係度完全無想用佢既衝動! 但係我上個星期覺得個面好乾,望下望下,見到fresh呢jar Black Tea Mask, 諗諗下不如用下佢, 我轉天氣都係想用天然野,感覺安全好多! 好啦,話說我個面乾會出一d好細既粒粒(如圖)同埋摸落會有少少鞋!咁我就用佢, 但係我今次係搽得豪少少(厚厚地),跟住敷佢半個鐘!!之後過水!!掂呀!!! 哈哈哈!!細細既粒粒唔見咗一半之後大少少個粒feel到係死左一半!!哈哈!!皮膚摸落滑翻哂同埋好夠水好緊緻!!!仲要有好光澤!!好高興丫!!!跟住我得左一個結論,如果皮膚好個陣用真係無咩睇, 但係如果皮膚好乾個陣用真係好得, 所以用野要睇下皮膚狀況呀!! 而家個jar mask由我覺得好無驚喜變成我最新既大愛!!正!!價錢就真係一d都唔平民喇,但係我覺得用黎急救就物有所值喇!!如果你皮膚無曳曳,我又覺得你唔需要呢個產品,但係如果你有我講個d皮膚好乾既徵狀,我就好建議你試下呢個mask喇!

(English:  Product Review:  People say apply a thin layer of this Black Tea mask overnight would have a really great effect!  At first, I used it like this but I didn’t think it was working as I hated my face to have that sticky feeling (didn’t see any difference next day when I woke up as well!!).  Then I tried following the instruction of leaving it on for 5-10 mins then rinse.  Nah, no special effect!!  Then I left it in the shelf and wasn’t motivated to use it at all.  Last week, my face was suddenly very dry and while I was checking out which product I could use, I saw this fresh Black Tea Mask, then I thought why not give it a try especially I love using natural products when it comes to the change of weather. Right, let me brief you my skin condition first!  When my skin is absolutely dry, some small bumps will appear (as per the pic) and it feels rough to touch.  I apply a thicker layer of this mask this time onto my face, and leave it on for at least 30 mins before rinsing.  Brilliant!!!  The bumps are half gone (smaller ones) and the bigger one is half dead!!!  *Laughs crazily*  Skin feels smooth to touch, is very hydrated and tight!!  Also it’s very brightened up and is lively again!!  OMG!!  I am so happy!!!!  Then I came to a conclusion that when your skin is good, there won’t be any major effect from using this mask; but if your skin is crazily dry, then you will see some amazing results.  So, it really depends on the skin conditions!  Haha – this mask has become my new love!! Hmmmm….the price is not friendly at all, so if your skin condition is in tip top shape, I don’t think you would benefited from this mask; but if you have similar symptoms to my dry skin, then yea, I would recommend this mask for you!!)

Tips:保濕抗老既cream狀mask同paper mask唔同,paper mask你一定要跟個instruction,人地話敷幾耐就嘅耐,唔可以敷到張mask變乾,唔係會倒繁轉頭抽乾你皮膚既水份,得不賞失。如果係保濕抗老既cream狀mask,你就可以敷耐d,等皮膚吸吸吸飽佢先洗,太短時間我反而覺得係浪費左個產品,我通常都會敷成半個鐘,見佢吸到差唔多先洗呀!

(English:  Tips:  Hydrating/ Anti-aging tube masks are different than paper masks.  When you use a paper mask, make sure you follow the instruction, it tells you how long you have to leave the mask on and you have to follow that and remember not to let the face mask dry on you, otherwise, it will draw your moisture from your skin back out, which is a BIG NO NO!! If you are using a hydrating/ anti-aging tube mask, then you can leave it on your skin for longer, and let the skin absorb the mask as much as it can.  I usually leave it on for at least 30 mins and then I will rinse it.)

(the product information is extracted from http://www.fresh-hk.com)

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