[敗家] 一去Fresh又燒死

唔去都好d, 一去又係死路一大條。 話說我之前已經係Fresh大敗一輪(仲要係唔係好耐之前嘅事), 當時我做埋member, 係生日月份會有8折。 咁我諗我係寫錯自己生日日子啦, 竟然我今個到月收到佢地嘅Birthday Gift (其實我係下個月先生日wor!), 咁我一去佢地個counter拎我份超早Birthday Present, BA就同我講話我有一次過嘅8折, 同埋佢地下年三月開始所有member都唔會再有折扣喇。 一聽到我就即刻睇下我有咩想買喇(女人即係女子人)。

(English:  I’d better started to avoid any skincare/ cosmetics counter!  Not long ago, I went to Fresh to haul some stuff and I registered myself as a member since I’d get a 1 time 20% off in my birthday month.  I think I must have filled in my birthday wrong by accident – I received a card asking my to pick up my birthday present at Fresh this month (hmmmm….my birthday is next month!).  Anyway, when I got there, BA said I could have a 1 time 20% off and starting from next March, they won’t offer any discount to members (OMG!!!).  After hearing this, I quickly glanced through and see what I wanted to get before the discount disappeared (yea I am a woman!!).)


(English:  I saw a set that I had to pay immediately!!)
我係得呢個set有折jar(同埋其他唔係set嘅產品都有), 折左HK$1,564。

(English:  I could have discount on this particular set (and other individual items).  After discount, the set costs HK$1,564.)


(English:  All star products!!!)

Fresh Soy Face Cleanser

呢個我仲有條係屋企未開。 不過真係好好用(我講左有嘅好用未?我都唔記得喇, 等我check下啦! 未講我就快d講), 我又用得快。 難得有8折就當補下貨啦。

(English:  I got another one at home unopened.  I have to say this Soy Cleanser is really good (actually have I written anything about it?  I can’t remember, let me check.  If not, I will write about it!).  I could use it up quite quickly, I guess this can be regarded as restock!)

Fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask
Fresh Rose Face Mask
上次敗唔到嘅Rose Mask, 今次係個set度出現, 買買買!

(English:  Rose Mask was out of sock last time when I was there!  Now I got the chance – BUY BUY BUY!!!)

我突然想整個Facial Mask Collection嘅video。 有無人好似我咁癲! 真係超多mask, 已經用左d, 但係都仲有好多。

(English:  Suddenly I want to do a facial mask collection video!  Oh man!!  Anyone as crazy as me?  I basically have tons of facial masks!!  I have used up some of them but I still got loads!!)

另外我見佢有candle,BA話係聖誕先有, 平時無得賣呀!

(English:  Oh!  Candle!!!  BA said the candles were available only at X’mas!)

Fresh Brown Sugar Scented Candle

Price: HK$408 (after discount)
未點, 但係聞落真係超香! 等我用左再share!! 超鍾意點candle!!  

(English:  I have not done anything with it yet!  But when I smell it, it just smells SO GOOD!!  Let me start using it and tell you how it goes!!  OMG!  I LOVE CANDLES!!)

Fresh Citron de Vigne Body Lotion

Price: HK$187 (after discount)


(English:  This is for my friend as X’mas present *smiles*!!)


(English:  Then the following are free stuff:)

Fresh Citron de Vigne Bath & Shower Gel & Body Lotion

 Fresh Umbrian Clay & Sugar Face Polish Samples
Fresh Black Tea Age-Delay Serum & Cream Samples
Fresh Soy Shampoo & Pomegranate Conditioner呢set洗頭野就係我嘅生日禮物喇。 唔錯, 夠實用。

(English:  The set of hair products is for my birthday!  Nice, at least everyone needs to wash their hair!!)睇怕如果我想回購某d Fresh嘅產品都要係下年三月前做呢個動作, 唔係連10%都無埋(嗚嗚)。

(English: Well I am thinking if I want to re-haul any of Fresh products, I have to do it before March, 2012, otherwise they won’t even offer 10% discount *cries*.)

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