[保養] 又保濕又美白嘅 ♥ fresh牡丹煥白潤膚精華

呢期真係熱愛用美白產品,但係我對美白產品都好多要求。 又要唔令我敏感, 又可以補濕得嚟仲要有效果。 我都知我真係要求多多!! 根據我過往嘅美白經驗, 通常美白野都唔係好做到補濕, 但係而家科技咁好, 我諗想要呢個效果應該唔難!  點知, 我有日收到fresh嘅資訊(我係member呀!), 望望下非常心動。
(English: Recently, I love using whitening products but I am also very picky in choosing my whitening essence.  It has to be sensitive skin friendly, hydrating and effective.  I know I know I probably have a too long of a wish list.  Well, based on my previous “whitening experience”, many whitening products are not hydrating enough.  Hmmm… with the improvement made in technology, I believe we could have a kinda universal product very soon.  You know what?  I received a mail today from fresh (I am a member) ….and I admit that I was really tempted….)

佢地新出左隻Peony Whitening Essence, 除咗美白之外仲有補濕功效! 跟住你都知故事係點啦! 我帶咗佢返屋企!

(English:  They released a new product called Peony Whitening Essence.  Apart from whitening function, it claims to be hydrating as well!!  Well then you know how the rest of the story goes… I brought it home!)

fresh Peony Whitening Essence

價錢(Price):HK$610/ 30ml

我返到屋企第一時間開咗嚟用(咩相都未影,哈哈, 我真係好心急!)。 你都知我通常試野都試好耐先寫文, 但係我今次唔可以再係咁, 如果唔係夏天都過我先講美白野就過sa期喇(笑)!!

(English: I started using it almost immediately (hadn’t even taken any pics – so impatient!!)  You know I usually take a long time to test out a product before I release a blog post, but I kinda promise myself that I won’t do it this time, otherwise summer products turn into winter products!!)

哈哈, 我用左三日, 不如我先好簡短咁講下我用左三日嘅感覺先丫。 等我用夠一個兩個星期就再分別講下皮膚有無變化。

(English: I have been using it for 3 days.  Let me sum up my comments briefly and then I will write a follow-up piece after 1-2 weeks to update you on the skin condition changes.)

用後感(三日): 我先講佢個補濕功效, 因為呢個效果比美白效果快睇到!  佢個質感唔厚重, 但係就帶到比皮膚濕潤嘅感覺。 我搽咗佢三日, 皮膚好明顯無用其他美白野咁乾。 第二日起身, 摸一摸皮膚都仲覺得好夠濕潤,感覺似搽咗保濕產品一樣。 正! 最正係因為佢夠補濕, 所以我第二日化妝, 上妝又易又貼!

(English: After-use Comments (3-day):  Let me talk about its hydrating function first since this takes a shorter time than whitening.  Its texture is not heavy but it brings a hydrating feeling to skin.  I have been using it for 3 days and it’s obviously more hydrated than just using other whitening products.  When I wake up the second day, skin still feels wonderfully moisturized.  Ha – it actually feels like I have applied some hydrating products on.  Great!!  I feel that my makeup stays on really well the next day…yay!!!)

哈哈, 初步感覺真係唔錯。 當然佢身為美白精華, 最主要當然係美白效果強唔強啦! 我會過多幾日再同大家做多個分享!  唔好擔心, 等我!!

(English: *laughs*  The first feeling is nice.  Well, being a whitening essence, of course I have to check out if the whitening function is good enough.  Let me use it a few more days and I will update again!  Don’t worry, just wait for me *winks*!!)

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