[保養] 腳部磨沙產品 ♥ Foot Scrub

上年買嘅野,今年先用完。  諗諗下我用野嘅速度真係時快時慢。  上年行過The Body Shop敗左好一堆產品(回顧按此), 大部份都用完/ 用到咁上下。 今日我又用完其中一樣野, 係我掉左JAR野之後先醒起我完來未寫感想(究竟我失憶呢個病幾時先會好翻?)。  無計喇! 野又掉左, 我又無影低相。 唯有用文字去同大家解說下啦。 今日要講嘅係:

(English:  The things that I hauled last year, I talked about them this year!  Well I admit that my speed of finishing skincare/ makeup is unpredictable.  I recalled that I hauled quite a few things at The Body Shop (refresh memory), I finished most of them.  Today, I finished one of the items and when I threw out the jar, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t written anything about it (OMG!  Am I really losing my memory?).  Oh well, I didn’t take any extra photos, so I guess I have to solely rely on my “words” to explain the best I can.  Today, the spotlight goes to:)

The Body Shop Peppermint Cooling Pumice Foot Scrub

價錢 (Price): HK$149/ 100ml

Product Information:


(English:  “Prepare to bare! Intensely exfoliating volcanic rock granules help to slough away rough patches of hardened skin, to leave feet femininely soft, smooth and freshly fragrant. Perfectly prepared for those strappy summer sandals!”)使用次數 (No. of Usage): Finished 1 jar

用後感: 佢嘅粒粒算係中型嘅磨沙, 用嚟磨腳嘅野唔會太細粒啦。 嗰陣買嘅時候係貪佢會有涼涼地嘅效果, 如果行得攰嘅時候用應該感覺良好。 我用完成jar, 感覺係唔錯。 佢個質地唔杰身, 好好磨。 磨完對腳都幾滑。 佢亦都有涼涼地嘅效果, 所以用完之後感覺好清新, 同埋對腳會無咁攰。 好適合行得多或者企得耐嘅人。 再者, 佢價錢都好合理 (我覺得搽腳嘅野太貴我會接受唔到)。 都好抵用。 唯一係我個人偏好比較大粒嘅身體磨沙 (變態), 我覺得磨腳嘅話可以再大粒少少, 咁個效果應該會再好d(笑)。

(English:  After-use Comment:  The particles are of a medium size (can’t be too small to be used on feet).  When I bought it, I thought it was quite cool that it offered cooling effect so that tired feet could be refreshed.  Now I used up the whole jar, it was quite a nice product.  The texture is not rich, so it’s really easy to use on the feet.  After application, the feet feel smooth.  Also, it has cooling effect, therefore, feet are refreshed afterwards and definitely less tired.  It’s suitable for people who walk a lot or stand a lot.  Also, its price tag is quite friendly (I can’t understand feet products with expensive price tags), it won’t break a sweat.  Hmmm, one personal note though, I “personally” love bigger scrubbing particles to be used on body parts, I think the particles could be made a bit bigger…I would imagine the effect would be “enhanced” *smiles*.)

P.S. 我對腳真係唔靚, 以前成日著高跟鞋著到d腳指有d印呀各樣。 今個冬天我決定要好好護理我對腳, 等出年我可以著靚靚涼鞋示人(我係咪年年都咁講㗎?)。 當然啦, 唔希望大家唔會有我咁嘅問題, 不過我都會遲d share下我用嘅方法, 等想參考嘅人有個選擇。

(English:  P.S.  Did I tell you all that my feet look horrible?  It’s because I wore high heels a lot back in the days and there are some scares left on my feet.  I am determined to take really good care of my feet this Winter so that I could have pretty feet next Summer (yea, to show off)!  Of course, I hope you don’t have the same problem, however, I look forward to sharing some of the methods I have been trying, so you could keep a reference, if you want/ need to.)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.thebodyshop.com.hk)

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