The Floral Pattern For the Non Floral Person

大家都應該知道我同花花係無咩感情,無論佢興到咩地步都好,都唔係好關我事,原因係佢同我唔夾,尤其係春天既花花pattern通常都太過甜美,我都唔係嗰d年紀啦。 不過今年floral pattern都係好熱,但係我覺得今年既花同往年既花係有唔同,而我又somehow接受到今年某d花,所以我突然間諗我可以同大家分享下我會揀邊d花,如果你同我一樣既話,咁我地又可以湊下花花既熱鬧但係又唔會同平常既自己格格不入。

(English:  As all of you by now that I am not a floral pattern person.  It doesn’t matter how trendy it is, it never grabs my attention.  The reason is very simple – floral pattern doesn’t go with my style nor my personality, especially those floral in Spring, they usually are very sweet and I have gone passed my sweet age years ago.  This year, floral pattern is still hot, but somehow I feel that it’s a bit different from all those years before.  I find myself appreciating some of the floral pattern.  So I suddenly think this blog post might come in handy for those whose style is quite similar to mine.  Then hopefully, we could still enjoy some trendy floral pattern without feeling not like ourselves.)

1. Tops


Zara T-shirt with Embroidered Shoulders HK$199
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我覺得最容易既係由Tee出發,我基本上一夏天就會Tee Tee Tee,咩都無心機襯,實在太熱啦!所以如果件Tee本身有少少野睇會無咁悶。 我之前喺Zara買左件黑Tee shoulder位有少少花,我好愛,又易襯又trendy。 我件黑tee無貨啦,不過我覺得呢件灰色都好唔錯。

(English:  I think the simplest way to incorporate floral pattern is T-shirt.  When it’s summer, all I wear is T-shirt, I just can’t be bothered about mixing and matching because it’s simply way too hot and humid in Hong Kong!  If there is some thing on the Tee, it usually makes it less boring.  I got a black T-shirt with flower embroidery on the shoulder area from Zara before.  I was in love.  It is simple, it goes with everything, and it’s trendy.  My black tee is not available anymore but I do think this grey one has potential too.)


Zara High Neck Top HK$499
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Tee唔係成日見得人,如果要formal或者要開會,無理由著件tee去啦。 所以另一件我揀既係high neck top。 我自己好愛high neck top,著出黎高貴有正式感,而唔係好熱。 我覺得呢件causal又得,formal又得。 d花又唔係過份sweet! 啱翻唔走甜美風或者已經過左嗰個年紀既朋友們!

(English:  Tees (sadly) are not for every occasion, there are those times that we need to dress a bit formally.  So my next pick is a high neck top.  I personally love high neck top because it gives that formality and elegance without making me look like a hot mess.  I quite like this top because it can be worn causally or formally.  The floral pattern is not overly sweet, so it’s perfect for those who are not into “sweet girl look” or who have passed their sweet era already.)


2. Jeans


Zara Floral Print Jeans HK$399
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Zara Embroidered Floral Jeans HK$399
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你覺得我老土又好保險又好,我夏天最愛都係少少crop既skinny jeans,著得最瘦,線條最靚,亦好易襯。 牛仔褲個個屋企都有,如果著得悶,我覺得呢一季可以加一兩條係有花花既,就算上身淨色,下身都有d野睇!

(English:  Call me old-fashioned or safe whatever you want.  My favourite jeans for summer is the skinny  ones which are slightly cropped.  They slim up the figure, somehow pull the lines tight together and not to mention they do go with everything in the wardrobe.  I am sure we all have so many jeans in our closet.  If you find it boring to look at, I think you could incorporate 1 or 2 with floral pattern, just to spice things up. They do look great when you have a plain top on – no brainer for me!)


3. Shoes

Gucci Ace Embroidered Low Top Sneakers HK$5,900
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我應該唔洗再強調Gucci sneakers有幾好著,因為我已經講過無限咁多次。 佢係足碼,所以買翻自己本身個size已經可以喇。 白色底加花花pattern但係一d都唔會過份甜美,呢對我都有心動過,但係最終我買左另外一對,原因係花花pattern既褲同衫我都有,所以鞋我就無再入手花花pattern。 所以要trendy都唔洗著到成身都係,是但一件單品有就可以喇。

(English:  I don’t need to stress how comfortable Gucci sneakers are, you probably get sick and tired of me saying it so many times by now.  They are true to size, so you just need to grab your usual size and you will be fine.  White sneakers with floral embroidery without being too sweet.  I was tempted at one time by this pair as well, however, I finally picked another pair.  The main reason was that I got floral print tee and jeans, so I don’t think there is any need for me to add this floral to my shoe collection.  You see, being trendy doesn’t mean that you need to add the same pattern from head to toe.  You just need to pick one category that you want to incorporate the “change”.


Gucci Princeton Slippers with Floral Pattern HK$6,600
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Gucci AGAIN! 係,講鞋,Gucci確實係我既最愛。係貴,不過最緊要著得舒服係咪? Gucci slippers我有兩對,一對有毛一對無毛,我諗緊買第三對。 冇毛既我夏天著上飛機,著行街,超方便又好行。我好建議。 呢對黑底有花我覺得一年四季都啱著!Slippers既話,如果係皮既,買翻正常碼,因為會著鬆,但係如果唔係皮既要買大半碼。

(English:  Gucci AGAIN!  I am sorry and not sorry really.  Yes when it comes to shoes, Gucci is my No. 1 favourite brand.  It’s expensive, don’t get me wrong, but the most important for me is that if I am going to spend that kind of money on a pair of shoes, they’d better give me the comfort that I want (not to mention they have to look pretty too).  For Gucci slippers, I currently owe two pairs, one with fur and one without.  I am considering buying my 3rd pair.  For summers, I wear the ones without fur quite a lot – go on the planes, shopping etc.  They are super convenient and comfortable.  I highly recommend these slippers.  This pair I think would be great for all 4 seasons.  For slippers, if they are made of leather, then grab your usual size because they will stretch; if they are made with other materials, be sure to size up 0.5.)


3. Bags

Dolce & Gabbana Mambo Print Shopper HK$8,303
(50% off already)
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如果講花花,邊個可以做得比Dolce & Gabbana激?我個人覺得花花黎講,Dolce & Gabbana真係做得好強。 呢個Mambo Print我覺得好靚,好夏天,好花,不過如果個身好素色既話,呢個就係that pop of colour!

(English:  I always think about Dolce & Gabbana when it comes to floral – who does it better than Dolce & Gabbana?  I personally love the Mambo Print, it screams summer and it screams Italy!  This could be that pop of colour if you wear a very plain outfit!)


Dolce & Gabbana Sicily Tote HK$17,313 
(20% off already)
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(English:  If you think the above one is over the top, I am sure you would consider this one to low key.)


Well, so much for now, hope you enjoy this blog post and a bit of a different twist to the floral direction.

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