First Time Haul @ Menard

好搞笑, 個頭話要用sa屋企d野先再添置, 呢頭又走左去Menard敗家 (我真係無得救20070217222148.gif).  其實我呢期因為天氣影響, 皮膚唔係好穩定, 出左d粒粒係應該好平滑既位.  你知啦, 我視皮膚如生命, 一定要整好佢, 唔係我知我會唔開心.  但係我又唔想買過sa d skincare咁浪費.  於是我諗我可以加d水狀既product (toner/ essence)係我個skincare routine入面, 一來我屋企已經無咩同類型既東東 (有excuse買), 二來我唔想再加d rich野係個面上面, 免得d粒粒變勁.

(English:  So funny!  I have been talking about I should really clear the skincare stock that I have, on the other hand, I haul more stuff from Menard (I am cursed20070217222148.gif).  These days, my skin reacts badly to the weather, it’s not that stable.  I have been experiencing some mini spots on the should-be-smooth part of my face.  As you know, I freak out when I have bad skin, so I am really determined to “cure” it, otherwise, I know I would be in constant bad mood.  Well, I guess I am sensible in the sense that I don’t want to change all my skincare products, I just want to add an extra item to my skincare routine – it has to be a “watery” product (like toner/ essence).  It’s because I don’t have anything alike in my place (so good excuse to buy), and also, I don’t want to use anything rich on my face to breed more spots on my face.)

初初我諗住上網訂翻之前係Taiwan買過隻Albion健康化妝水黎用, 但係我又無咩其他野想買,買一枝野要比運費好似有d傻, 所以打消左個念頭.  咁我上個weekend碌左去World Trade見到Menard係個度有個counter (唔知係咪permanent counter, 我個感覺似temporary counter).  我就醒起佢枝綠水好多人都話過好用但係好貴, 於是我就碌左過去望下個價錢 – 唔係平…但係接受到.  咁我就問個BA: “yee…呢枝野有咩好?”  佢話可以幫助改善皮膚質素同埋穩定皮膚狀況, 如果有豆豆既話, 呢枝野都可以幫到手 (當然仲有保濕啦!).  聽完…仲唔係我想搵既野?  即係要左! 你都估到我唔會買一樣野就閃啦…睇下張全家福先:

(English:  At first I wanted to get Albion Skin Conditioner online from one of the Taiwanese website, but the problem is I am not that interested in other items, so I have to pay for shipping for only one product?  That seems a bit silly.  I passed by World Trade Centre last weekend and saw a Menard counter (not sure if it’s a permanent one, I get a feeling that it’s a temporary one).  I suddenly recalled that its Beauness Spa Essence has rave comments but is said to be very expensive.  I was curious so I went over to take a look at the price and it was acceptable.  I asked the BA, “oh…what’s good with this essence?”.  She said it helps to improve and stablize skin.  Also, it helps on pimple situation (of course, it’s hydrating too!).  After listening, I thought to myself, “this is exactly what I look for!”  I happily told her I wanted one…but you all know that I seldom haul one stuff…let’s see:)

 Menard Beauness Spa Essence

 價錢 (Price): HK$480/ 160ml

本身諗住淨係買呢枝, 但係BA話買夠HK$500可以join VIP同即時有10% off.  咁當然揀多樣啦…揀d我會用既…就係:

(English:  Originally, I only wanted the Spa Essence, then the BA told me I could join their VIP and had a 10% off immediately if my amount  reached HK$500!  No problem.  I picked something that I would definitely use:)

Menard Beauness Spa Mask Sheet

 價錢 (Price): HK$300/ box (5 pcs inside)

好開心, 兩件都有10% off.  仲可以扣Cash Dollar添 (呢個我真係唔知, 所以超驚喜!).  走之前, BA送左d野比我, 話係因為counter新開張所以有既:

(English:  *Smiles*.  Both of the items get 10% off and I could deduct my Cash Dollar as well (what a surprise!! Didn’t know about that!).  Before I leave, BA gave me some “gifts”, she said it was due to the “Grand Opening”:)

From left to right: colax sample, Beauness Spa Essence x 30ml & Beauness Spa Mask x 1pc.

收穫都好唔錯.  返到屋企已經即刻開黎用 (好少咁快手). BA話用7日會見到效果, 等我睇下係唔係先.  再share啦~~20070217223355.gif

(English:  Not bad!  I started using it when I got home (very fast this time).  BA said after using it for 7 days, I would start to notice the difference.  Let me see if that’s true!  Will share my comments later~~20070217223355.gif)

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