嘩, 講左好耐話要整下makeup tutorial video, 但係整呢d video既時間比較長, 所以成日都未有時間整. 我前一兩個星期有少少時間, 整左個makeup step-by-step video. 老實講, 我唔覺得好滿意, 我見到有好多可以improve既位置. 要一路整先會一路有進步. 我先post呢個出黎, 等你地睇下我平時用d咩產品化妝啦. 哈哈…我已經諗到下一個look整咩, 不過要等有sunlight先整得….(如果唔洗返工你話幾好丫….(發夢中)…)
(English: Wow, it’s been awhile since I mentioned about shooting a makeup tutorial video. Making this kind of videos takes longer time, therefore, I kept putting it off. Not until a couple weeks ago, I had some spare time to make a “trial” – makeup step-by-step video. Honestly, I don’t think it’s a great make, I see there are quite a few areas for improvement! Well, but we all have to start somewhere, learn and get better along the way, right? Let me share this video with you all and you’d be able to know what sort of products I usually use for my makeup look. *laughs* I came up with an idea for my next makeup video, however, I have to wait for the natural sunlight to come into my place before I could start shooting…*wishing I don’t have to work – dreaming*.)