Filorga Meso-Mask

早前同Filorga去咗法國了解佢地既品牌(如果想睇翻行程中既點滴,可以睇翻Playlist)。 佢地係行程中送俾我地既產品,我都用左一段時間,可以逐一分享一下。 今日先同大家分享佢地皇牌面膜先。

(English:  I went to France with Filorga awhile back to understand more of their brand story and products (if you have miss my vlog, please check my Playlist out).  They did give us quite a few products to try during the trip and I have been using them for awhile, so it’s time to share my thoughts on some of their products.  Today I want to talk about one of its hot item – Meso-Mask.)

Filorga Meso-Mask HK$370/ 50ml


用後感: 佢係cream狀,用既時候敷上面10-15分鐘,之後過水搞掂。 我覺得呢款係一款急救面膜,好殘或者搭完飛機用好見到效果。 敷完皮膚會有光澤,白淨同埋有滋潤感。 如果你追求既係清爽保濕感覺,呢個mask唔係你要既野。 但係如果你皮膚好乾,好暗,咁呢個mask會幫到你。 過完水會覺得有層野留咗係皮膚表面,但係唔厚重,佢係補翻個滋潤感,所以我覺得比較乾既皮膚會睇到效果多d!

(English:  Product Review:  It’s a cream mask, apply it on skin and wait for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off.  I think this is more like an urgent fix or after long haul flight.  After application, skin is more radiant, bright and moisturised.  If you are looking for a hydrating and light weight feeling, this is not for you.  If you are more on the dry skin side and have dull skin, yes this could help you.  After rinsing, you will feel that there is a film left on skin, but it’s not heavy at all, it’s more like a protective layer and you will feel moisturised, therefore I think it’s more suitable for dry skin.)

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