My Favourite Outfit in 2017

2017年年尾勤力咗影相,講真醫生話我有玫瑰痤瘡個日我真係乜相都唔想影,一見到塊面無以前咁滑係好唔開心, 但係都係嗰句啦,無論皮膚好唔好,Life goes on! 皮膚係煩就煩d,但係唔應該俾佢影響到咩都唔做,我會仲唔開心! 可能都係因為咁我之前少咗化妝又試少咗護膚品(都要休息少少,但係唔會太耐,我頂唔住唔試啦,哈哈),咁我既精神就轉移係衫上面。 俾我唔打唔撞係Bauhaus買到呢件皮褸,我亦係2017年揾到我最最最滿意既outfit! 真係好我!

(English: I was more hard working when it came to photo shooting at the end of 2017.  To be quite honest, the day that the doctor said I had Rosacea, I didn’t even want to be in any photos.  It somehow disturbed me greatly when my skin wasn’t as smooth as before.  However, I couldn’t put everything to a stop just because I had (still have) bad skin.  Life goes on whether my skin is up to my standard or not.  True, it bothers me, but I am determined not to allow it to affect my life.  I am not giving it that kind of power!  Well, I did take a mini break on makeup and skincare products (I let my skin rest but not for too long, I just can’t stop doing what I love to do) and my attention was diverted to clothes.  I got this jacket from Bauhaus by chance and I found my favourite outfit in 2017.  It’s just so me!)


Photo by MJPhotographyHK

Top: A Simple Black Top from Zara
Jacket: Baubaus
Jeans: Topshop Leigh Jeans with Ripped Knees
Shoes: Chloe Susanna Boots (Similar 1 and Similar 2)
Sunglasses: Gentle Monster
Watch: Apple Watch
Bracelets: Cartier Love Bracelet (previous video)
Handbag: Louis Vuitton Pouchette Metis (previous video)

我覺得除咗係套outfit好型好襯我之外,個境都好襯我心情。 2018年好想好好地去多d地方接觸世界。我覺得旅行最可愛既地方就係就算同一個地方,每一次去睇到既野會唔同,同一個地方,唔同人去都會有屬於自己獨一無異既故事。 我真係未出發先興奮! 一諗起我今年好想去既幾個trip,我就覺得自己要好好努力好好工作,之後就好好去玩帶大家同我一齊去遊山玩水喇!! 你地今年會唔會去旅行? 會去邊樹?

(English:  Apart from the outfit is truly amazing and edgy, the background speaks my mind as well.  In 2018, I want to see the world more and I want to appreciate different cultures more.  For traveling, it’s amazing that I get a different perspective each time I go to the same place; and also even all of us going to the same location, each of us will experience something different and have our own story to tell.  I am so excited already!!  Whenever I think about the trips in mind, I can’t help but tell myself to work hard now, so that I can play harder when the time comes.  Of course I am going to bring you along with me!  So are you going to go on any trips this year?  Where are you heading?)

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