我最喜愛既三款護髮膜 My Favourite Hair Masks

自從我漂完個頭之後,我又一直用唔同品牌既護髮膜黎補救下我堆亂草。 用咗好多唔同品牌之後,我揀咗三款對我黎講比較有效果既今日同大家分享。

(English:  Since I bleached my hair, I have been testing out different hair masks in the hope to save my super damaged hair.  After using quite a few, I picked 3 of the best ones (in my opinion) to share with you today.)

hair mask

1. elvis+elvin Restoration Hair Treatment Mask HK$398/240ml [Buy Online or Hakme Beauty Stores]

質感輕身,香味好持久,last到去第二日都仲有少少香味。 用完佢,頭髮令咗,滑咗同埋柔軟咗,梳既時候都比較易梳。 正因為佢唔笠,所以雖然頭髮滑咗但係都有空氣感。

(English: The texture is light, the scent is long-lasting (till the next day).  Hair is shinier, smoother and softer after use and I find it quite easy to brush and manage afterwards.  Due to its friendly texture, it doesn’t weigh my hair down, though hair feels softer, the volume is there.)

2. Living Proof Restore Mask Treatment HK$410/ 227g [Buy from some Watons]

三款裡面質感最厚身既一款,我頭髮仲係超級乾個陣用佢,用完頭髮柔軟翻亦都比較易打理。 不過相對地佢就會令頭髮扁d,所以用完之後空氣感無咁強。 我覺得呢隻只適合乾到爛開既頭髮,如果係乾,但係未去到乾到差開哂,我就覺得呢隻可能會笠咗d。

(English:  The heaviest out of the 3.  I used this when my hair was still super dry.  I find that my hair is softer and easier to manage after use.  However, due to its thicker texture, it does weigh my hair down.  I think this is only suitable for those with super damaged hair.  If your hair is just dry but hasn’t got to the point of losing control, I think this might be a wee bit rich for you.)

3. Aesop Rose Hair & Scalp Moisturising Mask HK$675/500ml [Buy from Aesop counter]

頭皮都用得既一個髮膜。我覺得佢輕身唔笠得黎佢可以護理埋頭皮。但係如果頭皮本身較油既朋友我就唔建議用落頭皮。 用完佢頭髮柔軟翻同埋無咁乾,質感滑手d亦都令翻少少。

(English:  This can be used on scalp as well.  The texture is quite light and it can definitely help dry scalp issues.  However, if you have oily scalp to start with, I wouldn’t recommend using this on your scalp.  Hair feels soft, less dry, smoother to touch and shinier, after use.)

[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”hakme-beauty-limited.myshopify.com” product_handle=”elvis-elvin-restoration-hair-treatment-mask-with-prickly-pear-seed-oil-240ml” show=”all”]
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