My Favourite Fashion Transitional Piece into Autumn

我知我知我地既天氣都真係好熱,但係我已經好好準備秋冬既來臨。 我通常都會係未涼之前執定d衫睇下自己有咩無咩先再去shopping,咁就可以唔洗成日重覆迷埋一D差唔多既衫喇。 今年執野既時候又發現兩年前買既Zara牛仔褸,我覺得牛仔褸真係轉季百搭。 如果揀到一件啱身啱色已經好夠。 今年Zara既牛仔褸我都望過下,睇下有無d可以建議俾大家,但係我覺得d款色太誇張,cutting又麻麻,無啦啦又加咗d點綴上去,只係可以著到一季,下年唔興呢d點綴又著唔翻。 無咩心水所以唔想為咗建議而建議。 我比較實在d,牛仔褸啱身著得瘦最緊要,我通常唔會揀有花神既,因為我一件會著幾年。 都係個句,唔一定要咩價錢或者牌子,最緊要啱身。

(English:  I know I know – we are not quite into Autumn yet (it’s still bloody hot outside), however, I am preparing for it to arrive.  One thing I’d like to do before the change of season is to look at what I have before I go shopping, then I won’t end up with clothes that are too similar.  When I sorted out my wardrobe earlier, I saw this Zara jeans jacket that I got a couple years ago and it reminded me how versatile it is as a transitional fashion piece.  One thing you need to make sure is that it fits you perfectly and the wash is exactly what you like, bam, you are good to go!  I have looked at the jeans jacket available in Zara this season just to see if I could recommend some to you all, however, they tend to be more over the top with crazy details, not to mention the cutting is not flattering to most.  Therefore, I wouldn’t want to recommend for the recommend sake, so we will skip that section.  I don’t want to suggest something to you that will only be on trend for this season and not the next.  To me, jeans jackets are the staple diet.  When it fits your body and slim you up a bit, you will want to wear that in every Autumn, right?  And according to me, this is a money well spent situation.  As I said before, the brand and the price don’t matter as long as you can that one which fits you perfectly.)


Photography by MJPhotographyHK

我呢件都係Zara,佢本身話係oversize,但係我著oversize會變得仲大件,所以我買左XS啱啱好咁著,我覺得反而好好睇。 如果你本身比較有肉,一般修身褸好難good fit既話,望下oversize或者男裝,我好多時都有驚喜,人地話oversize我唔一定要同佢一齊oversize麻。 記住,如果要著得瘦,留意加拿大位置唔好太鬆,如果太鬆好易bulky,貼d會瘦d,呢個就係點解我一著褸,好多網友都會話我係咪瘦咗。It’s all about illusion babe!

(English:  Mine was from Zara a couple years ago and it was an oversize piece.  Well, I can’t wear anything oversize because it would make me look HUGE, so I picked XS and it fitted like a dream.  If you are more on the curvy side and you can’t seem to find anything in the regular section that fits you like a glove, make sure you try the oversize or men’s section.  I got so many surprises all the time.  Yea, they say it’s for oversize or men, it doesn’t mean that you need to listen as long as it looks good on you.  One tips is that if you want to look slimmer when you are in jackets, make sure you pay attention to the underarm area, try pick something not too loose, because sometimes it looks way too bulky.  When it fits on that area, it will slim you up.  This is probably why whenever I wear a jacket in my photo, many online buddies will wonder if I have lost weight.  It’s all about THE ILLUSION babe!)

Top: Zara Top
Jacket: Zara Jeans Jacket (bought a couple years ago)
Jeans: Topshop Leigh Jeans with Ripped Knee
Shoes: Gucci Ace Embroidered Low-Top Sneakers (Similar: link)
Glasses: Tom Ford TF5400-F
Watch: Panerai PAM1000 (previous video)
Bracelets: Dinh Van Bracelet & Cartier Love Bracelet (previous video)
Necklace: Missoma Dendritic Mini Shield Necklace (link)


(English:  I think many of you must have a favourite jeans jacket at home.  For the above outfit, I just mix my “old” jeans jacket with a few things from summer, I didn’t even purchase anything new for the above outfit, yet I feel good, comfortable and myself.)

Jacket: Mo & Co. Long Jumper

今年秋冬想試下著長野,我wardrobe多係短褸,所以我覺得我可以加一件長野做配搭。 我之前同管家去咗Mo & Co.。就係入手咗呢件長冷衫,越長越好。 價錢我記得係HK$1,999,著咗上去真係好暖(熱),唔錯。 佢有灰色亦都有相中既顏色,灰色冷衫我有,而warm tone我無太多,所以揀咗warm tone,咁就可以襯翻我個LV Pouchette Metis啦! 我覺得呢件causal vibe會好好襯,著多幾次d冷再軟d我覺得causal味道會再重d,到時我再影Instagram (@iamhakme)俾大家望啦。

(English:  This coming Autumn, I also want to try the “long” stuff.  My wardrobe is full of short-length jackets, so I think I can add a long piece into my collection.  I went to Mo & Co. with Butler before and I got this long jumper, the longer the merrier.  The price was HK$1,999 and yes when I put this on, I feel warm (or hot).  It’s a nice one.  It comes in grey and also beige as per the photo.  I got quite a few jumpers in grey so I thought to switch things up and picked beige instead.  Then it will match my LV Pouchette Metis better (yay!).  I think this goes with my causal vibe really well and I think with a few more wears, it’s going to get softer; by then, the causal touch will be a wee bit stronger.  Of course, I will take some Instagram (@iamhakme) photos by then to better illustrate what I am talking about.)

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