NAH: FASIO 空氣感長效防水粉餅

以前有用過日本開架品牌FASIO嘅產品,記得佢嘅產品比較主打防水持久。 我見都有一段時間冇試過佢哋啲嘢,行過見到佢哋轉咗包裝,應該係全個品牌再revamp過,咁我就好奇想睇吓佢轉咗新包裝之後啲產品有冇以前咁好用。 今日就同大家分享吓FASIO空氣感長效防水粉餅。

I had some good experience with FASIO (Japanese Drugstore brand) before, they were targeting long-wearing and waterproof products.  It’s been awhile since I last tried their items, when I passed by, I noticed the its packaging got revamped, so I was curious to give them a go again.  Today I am sharing my thoughts on FASIO Airy Stay Powder Foundation with you.

FASIO 空氣感長效防水粉餅 SPF35/PA+++
Airy Stay Powder Foundation
Refill: HK$95 and Case: HK$35

FASIO 空氣感長效防水粉餅可以乾濕兩用,之前亦都唔需要搽粉底,因為佢已經可以取替左粉底呢個步驟。如果油肌或者係好潮濕悶熱嘅天氣,粉餅係一個快靚正嘅選擇。 之前Covid要戴口罩焗住,我都淨係用粉餅。

FASIO Airy Stay Powder Foundation can be used both wet and dry, also you don’t need to apply liquid foundation before, because powder foundation is used as the foundation step.  I think powder foundation is great for oily skin or during hot and humid days.  I was a fan of powder foundation during Covid because I found the face masked area hot and sticky.


我用咗兩次好失望啊。 粉質摸落還可以,但係上面之後我覺得粉感好重質感亦唔夠幼細,遮瑕度偏低,如果多啲嘢遮嘅日子就一定要用遮瑕膏。 有啲粉底或者粉餅,啱啱搽上面平平無奇,但係出完汗或者出完油之後會越夜越美麗,可惜呢一款粉餅都唔屬於越夜越美麗嘅朋友! 佢主打防水持久,我本身已經唔算出好多油,係有時太焗太熱,我到三四點會出油出汗,佢都係會同其他粉底一樣會溶會甩,佢唔至於甩到一達達,但係我唔覺得特別持久。 我用完兩次就冇心機再用,我覺得未轉版嘅佢反而好用好多。 我唔特別建議大家去試。

I used it two times and I am very disappointed.  The powder feels fine to touch, however, it looks quite powdery on the face and the powder is not fine and smooth enough.  Its coverage is low, so if you want have a more flawless base, you would need to use concealer.  For some foundations, they might look very ordinary first on, but when they got mixed with the oil and sweat, they would start to look better and better as the day goes on.  Sadly, this powder foundation is not one of those “the longer it’s on, the prettier it looks” foundations!  It says waterproof and sweat-resistant, I don’t have excessive oil secretion, I tend to have oily T zone or sweat a bit around 3-4pm during humid season.  Oh well, this foundation comes off my face just like any other foundation would, so I don’t feel like it’s very long-lasting.  To be honest, after the first two attempts, I am like, “NAH!  This is not for me!”  I somehow feel that the quality and the longevity was better before the revamp, so I wouldn’t recommend this for you to try.  

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