[Fashion] 如果我無買我既Vintage Chanel Bucket Bag…

呢個title係咪好搞野? 我諗好多人都好似我咁,買完一樣野先開始見到其他差唔多款式既野之後都會係度諗:如果我無買XXX,我會買呢個! 之前我好想買個水桶袋(Bucket Bag),但係我想買既時候係未興水桶袋,所以我根本唔多選擇,最終睇中Chanel一個vintage款亦check過都新新地唔殘,所以買左。 買咗咁多個月後開始見到好多品牌都出水桶袋,我就開始覺得:早知就等下啦,而家咁多得揀! 不過世事無可能有早知,而我買左呢個款,亦都唔會俾自己買同款既袋。 所以我呢期睇咗咁多靚袋,點好呢? 我就諗,好多人都PM我問我個vintage係邊度買,但係因為係vintage所以未必咁啱有呢個款,不如咁啦,橫掂我睇咗咁多我覺得好靚靚既水桶袋,我同大家分享一下,咁如果大家都想買一個水桶袋既話,你可以參考呢篇文章! 我又可以分享一下我既水桶袋心水!!

(English: I find this title rather funny!  But I believe many of you are probably like me in the sense that we bought something and then we discovered other similar things, then we started to say to ourselves, “why don’t I wait?  If I had just waited, I could have picked this one!”  I did want a bucket bag for a long time, when I decided to get one, it wasn’t even trendy, so I didn’t have many choices.  Finally I came across a vintage Chanel one and after some checking, the bag looked quite new, so I got it.  After so many months, now many brands are coming up with their own bucket bags, and I do feel like, “if I had waited, now I would have so many different choices”.  Well, since I don’t have a crystal ball to see the future, and I got what I got, I wouldn’t buy another one just for the sake of.  Hmmm… I admit that I do look at others and that prompt me to think, “what could I do with all these pieces of information?”  Then I recall many of you have PM-ed me asking me where you could get the vintage Chanel bucket bag, it’s a tough one, because it’s vintage, so it’s purely luck.  Since the Chanel one is hard to find and I have a ton of other bucket bags I like, I am grouping all of them here, so if you want to find one, you can check it out as a reference and I get to share what I like – a stone killing two birds!!)

片中既就係我買左個Chanel Vintage Bucket Bag喇~~

(English:  The one I am showing in this video is the vintage Chanel Bucket Bag that I got~~)


(English:  Now let’s look at other options…I think many of these are available in their own branded store in Hong Kong, but I am very much like an online person, so I am going to borrow their pictures and share the link, you can check out what you like first before hitting the stores~~)


(English:  First let’s browse through the ones that I love on Shopbop.)

3.1 Phillip Lim Soleil Small Bucket Bag – Burgandy

Shopbop Link: http://tinyurl.com/oxqz8nu

我個人鍾意bucket bag比較挺身,所以我見到呢個既時候不知幾心動。 最特別係佢條鍊呀!! 見個model上身又唔過大又唔過細,好good! 呢隻酒紅色都好特別,感覺上好秋冬又易襯丫~

(English:  I like the solid version of the bucket bag, so when I saw this, I was basically screaming, the highlight of the bag is the chain that goes with it!  The size is great because as you can tell – it’s not huge and it’s not mini, it’s a reasonable and practical size!!  Also I find this Burgandy colour very interesting, it just reminds me of Autumn and Winter time~~)

3.1 Phillip Lim Soleil Small Bucket Drawstring Bag – Black

Shopbop Link: http://tinyurl.com/p6lto6z


(English:  If you are not a fan of the burgundy colour, there is always a black one to choose!)

Sophie Hulme Large Drawstring Bucket Bag – Tan

 Shopbop Link: http://tinyurl.com/o4ok6a9

如果Philip Lim唔係你杯茶,我近期都留意緊呢個少d人知既新品牌Sophie Hulme(佢某d袋係Lane Crawford有賣,但係唔齊款。),佢既袋都係偏挺身,亦都好實正。 呢個既價錢同Philip Lim都差唔多,但係就多左少少金扣同埋側邊有個金色既charm,無Philip Lim個咁plain,有少少玩風又唔太過份,我覺得呢個size都裝到野。 啡色都好百搭!

(English:  If you are not into Philip Lim, I have been secretly eying this relatively new brand called Sophie Hulme as well (some of their bags are available in Lane Crawford HK, however, not everyone of them).  Their bags are on the solid side of the story and they feel durable.  The price of this bag is very similar to the Philip Lim’s one, but the highlight is the gold detailing and the gold charm on the side of the bag, definitely feel less plain.  I like the fun side of this and it’s not over the top, the size is practical as well.  Of course, anyone can’t go wrong with a brown (tan) bag!)

Sophie Hulme Small Drawstring Bucket Bag – Black

Shopbop Link: http://tinyurl.com/odsnnwz

如果覺得啡色太大,黑式有個細款~ 比較嬌小既朋友應該啱d! 

(English:  If you feel somewhat the tan one is too big, maybe this black one is for you?  It’s a smaller size bag and I think it this would be nice with my dear petit friends!)

Sophie Hulme Small Drawstring Bucket Bag – Fuschia

Shopbop Link: http://tinyurl.com/pumw659

如果你比較鍾意鮮色覺得無咁悶同sharp醒d既話,我諗呢個細size都係一個好正既choice! 成身黑色再搭呢個,好型!

(English:  If you are into sharp and fun colours, I think this one is a great choice!!  It goes really well with an all black look!!)


(English:  We are done with Shopbop, now we are moving onto Net-A-Porter.)

Sophie Hulme Extendable Matte-Leather Bucket Bag – Black

Net-A-Porter Link: http://tinyurl.com/qzeopd9

都話我成日留意呢個品牌啦~ 我覺得呢個都幾大個,比較適合高大既朋友。 同埋呢個款比起Shopbop個款係簡約d,無個charm既。 如果走簡約風既朋友就比較適合!

(English:  I wasn’t lying when I told you I have been eying this brand~  This feels like a bigger bag and I think it’s better for those who are taller.  This one is a simpler version of the Shopbop one since it doesn’t have the charm on, so if you are into minimalistic bags, this one might be for you!)

Sophie Hulme Matte-Leather Bucket Bag – Tan

Net-A-Porter Link: http://tinyurl.com/pnxh2m8

另一隻色! 襯深色牛記好有feel丫!

(English:  Another colour!  Perfect with dark jeans!!)

Michael Kors Miranda Small Leather Bucket Bag – Black

Net-A-Porter Link: http://tinyurl.com/on65mvz

呢個款large真係好大啦!! 我覺得大過頭,唔係好多人都啱,反應細款唔錯,同埋佢金色detail係正面,比較搶眼又唔會濁氣~

(English:  The large in this series is really too big for my liking, I don’t think many people could carry that kind of a LARGE bag!  On the other hand, this small size is nice and I quite like the gold detailing on the front, it’s quite eye-catching but it’s still classy!)

又望完Net-A-Porter,最後一間係Mytheresa,Saint Laurent俾咗好多驚喜我~

(English:  We are now done with Net-A-Porter and moving onto the last hop – Mytheresa, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by Saint Laurent~)

Saint Laurent Emmanuelle Large Leather Bucket Bag

Mytheresa Link: http://tinyurl.com/ngaja7c

唔錯呀! 簡簡單單黑金配搭,實用同埋呢d款會用到好耐啦~

(English:  Nice!!  It’s a simple black and gold combination!  I find these very practical and it’s a timeless item in itself~)

Saint Laurent Emmanuelle Large Leather Bucket Bag

Mytheresa Link: http://tinyurl.com/pohaqha


(English:  This is a light grey colour which is another nice choice if you like lighter colour bags or you already have quite a few black bags already~)

Saint Laurent Emmanuelle Small Embossed Leather Bucket Bag

Mytheresa Link: http://tinyurl.com/oczpfob

最尾一個,不過我真係好鍾意呢個皮同個款! 好型呀! 如果我無買Chanel既,我應該一定買佢。 上面分享既我個個都鍾意,不過我個人有幾個黑色袋但係我又鍾意比較深色既袋,所以如果可以再揀過,我會買Saint Laurent呢隻皮! 救命,仲要平過我個Chanel好多,仲要係新既添! 你話係咪我要拉住自己丫!!Anyway,希望大家睇得開心啦~

(English:  The last one on my list, but I really LOVE this leather and the style!!  Just so stylish!!  If I hadn’t bought my Chanel, I will definitely get this one.  Don’t get my wrong, I love the ones I share above as well, but I personally have a few black bags and I love darker colour bags, so if I can choose again, I will get this Saint Laurent one!!  Well it’s cheaper than my Chanel almost by half as well and it’s new – so…now you understand how I feel!!  Anyway, hope you enjoy this piece~~)

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