[Fashion] 2013年最愛既Accessories

突然間好想發一篇關於accessories既文章,其實我以前真係accessories迷,買埋買埋都唔知有幾多。 不過人大咗就少買咗,但係見到好靚或者覺得自己成日都會帶既都會買,因為一套衫有襯同冇襯accessories真係差好遠!! 一齊望下我2013年既大愛丫(好多都唔知仲有無得賣~~)!!

(English:  I suddenly wanted to write something about accessories!  I have to admit – when I was younger, I was an addict to accessories and I hauled quite a few.  Then when I got older, I started to haul less of them.  BUT, I still adore them, especially when I find something nice and feel that I would have good use of.  I guess you would agree that accessories do add soul to the outfits!!  Now let me share my favs of 2013 with you (not sure if you can still get some of them….)!!!)

From Zara

皮又rock既野走唔過我對眼,仲要係金色,真係型,所以買左。 買完又真係差唔多日日都帶,真係無買錯!! 好好襯,簡單得黎又多野睇! 差唔多年尾既video我個個都有帶佢呀! 佢d金色有少少甩甩地,不過又有另一翻味道,好rusty!! 我記得係HK$2xx。

(English:  Accessories that are made from leather with a rock touch cannot escaped my eyes, what’s more is that it has quite a bit of gold (OMG)!  Looks edgy (so I got that as you would have probably guessed).  After I got it, I have been wearing it almost every single day, my choice is brilliant!  It matches with quite a lot of stuff, simple yet sophisticated!!  You can see it in most of my videos in the last few months of 2013, so you know how much I love it!  The gold has certainly fade a bit, but I would say it has more of a rusty touch now!!  Still in love.  I remember it’s HK$2xx.)


From agnes b

呢對係agnes b既黑白雙殺!白色個隻我上年已經睇中咗,不過一路無買。 但係今年行過都係覺得好like,所以買左。 睇緊個陣見佢好幼覺得帶兩隻冇咁dull,所以買多隻黑色有石(有石係2013款)一齊帶!! 一齊帶個感覺好好,因為黑白色唔單調! 佢仲有其他色揀架!! 冇石我記得係HK$690,有石就HK$790咁上下~

(English:  These are from agnes b and I picked the timelines colors – black and white!  I did fall in love with the white one last year but for some reason, I didn’t get it.  When I passed by agnes b this year, I remember how much I did love the white one, so I convinced myself to get it.  Then when I was in the store, I thought wearing two would be less dull, so I got another black one with Swarovski crystals (2013 version) to wear them together!!  I love them together because it has that classic black and white touch.  It comes in other colors too – if you are not a fan of black and white!  The one without Swarovski crystals is around HK$690 and the one with Swarovski crystals is around HK$790 (if my memory serves me right!).)

From Gmarket
+ Japan

最上個兩條,一條紅色,一條黑色係Gmarket買,另外紅色金色係日本買(唔記得係邊同幾錢)。 除咗好rock既野,我仲好愛d細細條既野,我覺得夾埋一齊或者分開帶都好ok!!我一見到d細細條又紅又黑又金既都會發癲~~~ 如果你地對Gmarket個兩條有興趣,可以check下面呢個post。 不過我而家無團購喇,因為之前Gmarket好多order都send錯野俾我,所以怕咗~~

(English:  The upper two bracelets – one red and one black were from Gmarket.  The other red and gold twisted one was from Japan (I can’t remember where and how much).  Apart from those rock chick style, I love those finely made and delicate looking bracelets.  I wear them together or apart depending on how I feel, both versions come out nice!!  For some strange reason, everytime when I see those very fine bracelets, I would go crazy!  If you are interested in the two Gmarket ones, you can check out the link below.  However, I have stopped organizing group hauls due to some bad experience with Gmarket on the most recent purchase~~~ kinda got scared~~)

Gmarket 第一回 + 初入手教學

From Zaffre
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ZAFFRE.118?ref=br_tf


之前行過利時見到呢間野d衫唔錯(偏向簡單但係cutting唔錯既韓國衫),所以入咗去睇。 買咗一堆野之後見到佢地既accessories都靚,所以買咗呢條! 好特別丫! 最愛佢有pearls又有好多得意野~ 好豐富,用黎襯d好平淡既衫就啱哂喇~~我記得係HK$398。

(English:  I passed by Rise Commercial Building in TST before and was interested in Zaffre’s clothes (more simple designs with some nice cutting – from Korea), so I went in and took a look.  I hauled quite a bit and then I was attracted to this necklace!  Nice!!  Love that it has pearls and quite a few fun things~~ very rich in details and it’s perfect to match with just some plain clothes.  I remember it’s HK$398.)


From Alexandre de Paris

因為剪左頭髮,前面d陰成日整住我塊面,做野個陣唔係好舒服,所以之前忍唔住去ADP買左個head band,真係好貴,但係佢係唯一一個品牌我帶左唔會頭痛,所以無計(我個死人頭真係識揀)。 我特登買個咁簡單既款架,因為貴所以要成日都帶得先抵!! 呢個買咗就真係成日帶喇~~ 哈哈~~ 我記得係好似HK$9xx。

(English:  I got a hair cut and my fringe is quite long, so it kinda bothers me when I am working.  Right, then the story went …. I went to ADP to get a head band.  Right, it’s super expensive for a head band, but it’s the only one that doesn’t create headache for me, so I kinda have no choice (my head knows what to choose….).  I deliberately went for a simple one because I intend to wear it more often (to make the price worth)!  Yep, I do wear it in 2013 quite often, not bad eh!  I remember it’s around HK$9xx.)


Ear-rings from Chanel

呢幾對Chanel耳環我都成日帶,都買左一好一段時間,而家佢加咗咁多次價都貴哂lu,不過如果佢地classic呢類款既耳環就around HK$2xxx。 閃石呢對係我第一對Chanel耳環(我買個陣HK$1400),好愛呀!! 不過都甩過幾次石,好彩你去Chanel唔洗錢會同你整翻,唔係我會好傷心! 講真,呢對我覺得超好襯,佢既出現率係好好好高既!!

(English:  I owe these for quite awhile and they are still my favourites.   Chanel has been raising their prices, so many have become quite pricey.  For their classic ear-rings like these, usually they are around HK$2xxx.  This sparkly ones are my first pair of Chanel (when I got these, they were only HK$1,400).  Completely in love.  The crystals came off a few times, but Chanel fixed them for free (luckily).  Honestly, this pair is the most worn pair because it goes with everything.)

另外呢對好低調! 係朋友去法國個陣幫我買,我叫佢是但幫我揀媽C款,佢買幫我買咗呢對! 唔想高調我通常都帶佢,又係好百搭,所以一路都係好愛!!

(English:  This pair is very low key.  My friend got me these in France, I asked her to just pick me anything with the logo and she picked these.  When I want a low key kinda day, I would wear them.  Again, they go with everything!!  Love them!!)


最後就係呢對金色喇!! 我少金色,所以當時都買咗一對! 呢對我就通常好earth tone個陣會帶,大粒d,好搶眼!!

(English:  Finally comes the gold pair!!  I didn’t have any gold ear-rings from Chanel, so I thought this was a good choice!  I usually wear this one when I want a complete earth tone day!  Quite big in size but very eye catching for sure!!)

哈哈!!! 一篇好心血來潮既文章,希望你地睇得開心!!

(English: *Laughs*  Wanted to write this out of the blue, hope you enjoy!!)



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