Too Faced Cat Eyes Palette

大家有無發現要揾一樣野既時候,揾黎搵去揾唔到,但係某一日無意中又會發現佢既存在! 呢盒產品就係其中一樣啦。 我之前揾佢又唔揾唔到,放棄咗無耐又見到佢出現! 呢盒Too Faced Cat Eyes Palette之前係泰國買,今日同大家分享下丫:

(English:  Have you had those experiences whereby you want to look for something but it is nowhere to be seen, then you give up and it kinda appears back into your life.  This palette is one of those.  I got this Too Faced Cat Eyes Palette back in Thailand and it’s about time to share my thoughts:)


Too Faced Cat Eyes
Ferociously Feminine Eye Shadow & Liner Collection











全部都係眼影,最右面直行乾濕兩用眼影可以做眼線。 其實我覺得最左面大隔個d顏色唔只係眼影。 Purrr帶閃粉可以做埋highlight,Meow無閃,如果白既女仔可以當係全面用既定妝粉,而Kitten帶好淺粉紅又係白既女仔可做胭脂。 一物多用,唔係淨係用黎做眼影。 粉質滑幼細同埋上色度好,咁樣一盒都幾方便。 但係我覺得眼線部份只可以無油眼去用,如果油眼既話,我覺得未必濕用眼線部份未必好持久。 對我黎講一般啦。如果你唔想有太多顏色而你鍾意顏色好唔同既簡單配搭既話,呢盒幾好,不過我覺得用呢盒真係起碼都要mix兩個色先靚,如果你好多時淨係會用一個色黎做眼影既話,呢盒入面d色未必好襯做單色眼影look喇。 呢盒我淨係分享,無諗住要大家去敗。 大家睇完就算。

(English:  All of them are eyeshadows, while the right hand column can be used wet and dry (wet as eyeliner).  Indeed when I come to look at the left hand column, they aren’t necessarily only for eyeshadows:  Purrr contains shimmer and can be used as a highlight; Meow is matte and would be a great overall powder for fair skin; Kitten is a light pink with shimmer and it would be nice to use as a blush for fair skin as well.  The powder is smooth to touch and pigmented.  It’s quite convenient in a way.  However, I feel that for the wet eyeshadows as eyeliner, it would only work if you don’t have oily eyelids, otherwise I don’t think it would be long-lasting for you.  To me, this palette falls into the so-so range.  I think if you don’t want too many colours in a palette but you enjoy the big difference in colour tones, then this might be ok for you.  I feel that you have to at least mix 2 colours in this palette to have a good eye look.  If you are someone who just enjoys a single colour eye look, then I don’t think the colours in this palette are great for that.  Well, I just want to show you this palette and talked about my comments, I don’t intend to urge you to buy.  Just treat this piece of blog post as information sharing.  Cheers.)

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