Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

呢盒Too Faced Sweet Peach眼影都唔係新嘅,之前都興過好一段時間但係我一直都未入手。 去到英國見佢有counter就買黎分享下。 真係有蜜桃味呀!

(English:  This Too Faced Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette is not new, it was widely talked about online for awhile, I just didn’t get my hands on it.  When I went to U.K., I saw the Too Faced counter, so I thought I could get this for review.  Well, it does have peachy scent!!  Fancy!)


Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette HK$360 (link)

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette


Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

Too Face Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette

全盒眼影有18個色,其中有5個唔閃,有一個有好疏落既閃粉,其他都係唔同程度既閃底。 我覺得全部都係閃閃地,唔係閃得好誇張個類。 粉質唔錯呀,幾滑,出色又易blend。 我好奇佢個peach味點黎,雖然無咩實際作用,我覺得化妝個陣聞到都幾搞笑。 上咗眼之後就聞唔到啦,但係化妝個陣就會聞到喇。 我用過幾次,我覺得佢個palette唔係真係好peach,因為佢有大地色,又有d綠呀,紫呀,藍咁。 配搭上都多同埋易配。 反而我覺得如果真係鍾意好peach既人用呢個眼影既話,又唔係真係咁多選擇喎!我就咁當佢係一個普通眼影盤既話,我覺得好用同埋實用,我都推㗎! 但係如果我想要多d橙橙地既顏色既話,呢個我覺得未如理想。

(English:  The whole palette is consisted of 18 shades.  There are 5 mattes and 1 with very light shimmer.  All the other ones are shimmery based with different intensity.  I feel that all of the shimmer shades are still very day to day without being too crazy.  The powder is finely milled, quite smooth to touch, pigmented and easy to blend.  I am quite curious where the peach scent comes from.  Though it doesn’t enhance the look of makeup in anyway, I can smell it when I put my makeup on, I somehow find it rather amusing.  Of course once the shadows land on the eyes, you won’t be able to smell the peach scent.  I have used this a few times, I somehow feel that the palette is not that peachy because it also has earth tone, greens, purples and blue.  For mixing and matching, the colours are handy, however, if you would like to have more peachy shades, then this one doesn’t offer that many choices!  If I treat this just as a normal eyeshadow palette, I find it practical and easy to use, I would recommend it!  However, if I want more orange-y tone, this one doesn’t live up to my expectation!)

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