[化妝] Face of the Day – Retro Look

呢幾日好想化個好retro既妝,粗眼線同鮮色咀!! 今日一早起身有好多時間先要出門口同媽媽飲茶(Happy Mother’s Day),所以慢慢畫下塊面。 Mr Honey起身個陣以為今日有咩大function,佢問我做咩咁好心機!! 哈哈!! 嚇親佢添!! 其實無咩function都可以畫面丫,只不過平時我係諗頭多多,但係時間少少jer!! 睇下我用咗咩東東先:

(English:  I have been wanting to do a retro makeup look for a good few days – thick liner and bright lips!!  I woke up very early this morning and I sorta got plenty of time on my hand before heading out to celebrate Mother’s Day (Happy Mother’s Day!!), so I took my time to play with some of the makeup products (and my face *laughs*)!!  When Mr Honey woke up, he literally thought that there was some big function going on and that was why I changed up my style a bit.  Well, I guess it was surprising for him in a way!!  We can all create different looks anytime we want, just that I don’t have much time usually to put my thoughts onto my face.  Let’s see what I have used:)

Product Used:

Laneige Lumi Block Primer

Laneige Snow BB Soothing Cushion SPF 50+ PA+++

Priori Finishing Touch

L’Oreal Super Liner Waterproof Gel Eyeliner – Black

MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil – Handforged (Gold)

Nars Larger Than Life Volumizing Mascara – Black

Miss Bowbow Falsies – No. 118

Milani Baked Powder Blush – No. 05 Luminoso

Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick – No. 01

Face of the Day – Retro Look

唔好意思! 我化完之後用iPhone影,quality無平時用相機咁靚仔! 我無加任何effect,所以你地可以睇下各樣產品既表現狀況! 今日用既產品有好多都未分享我既感想, 我遲少少會逐一分享,唔好心急! 我知你地好想知我對上面兩樣Laneige產品既感覺,放心,我收到喇(都係一大原因點解我會買佢地丫),我今個月內會出片做demo同埋review!! 等一等我,製作需時! 哈哈!!

(English:  Sorry about the quality of the photos, I used iPhone this time instead of my regular camera!  I didn’t add any special effects so that you can understand how each product’s performing!  I haven’t reviewed most of the items above and I will, so let’s not worry about for now.  I also know that many of you have been anxiously waiting for my review on the two Laneige products.  Yea, got it (that’s sort of why I bought them as well).  I will shoot a demo and review video definitely within this month.  It takes some time to create the video but I will be quick!!)

今日成個妝我都好滿意! 當然啦,唔係日日都啱化呢類既妝(少誇),但係我覺得如果你個日著得好retro/ vintage,呢個妝都超襯! 同埋如果你有function,要化得搶眼少少,呢個妝都好襯!! 仲有,唔知係咩咁勁,我無帶大眼仔丫, 但係望落張相好似帶咗!! 呵呵!!

(English:  I quite love the outcome!  Of course, you might not call this an everyday makeup look (it’s still quite eye catching).  However, I think if you wear something retro/ vintage for the day, this is perfect to go with your outfit.  Also, if you have any function that you need to attend with a more eye-catching look, this is it!  Hmmm…not sure what went on there, I hadn’t put on any circle lens but somehow, it looked like I got some black ones on.  *Grins*)

另外想特別講下呢枝Innisfree既lipstick! 呢枝唔係我買既,係PR送既(佢地送咗既樣野俾我,你有睇我Facebook就知喇)。 我覺得佢呢個顏色係我成個妝既靈魂(除咗條眼線)。 超鮮色好sharp!!

(English:  I want to specially mention this Innisfree lipstick!  This is not purchased by me and it’s sent by PR (if you have followed my Facebook, you’ll know).  I think the color is the soul to the whole look (apart from the eyeliner).  I love how bright it is!!)

Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick – No. 01

好唔好用就等我用多幾次先再同大家分享啦。 其實你地多唔多用鮮色既lipstick? 我覺得香港人比較少用鮮色既lipstick,
好醒神!!  好正呀!! 快d趁夏天五顏六色既時候都試下啦!! 要變化,先會為自己帶來更多新鮮感丫!!

(English: I will tell you whether it’s good or not after using it a few more times.  Indeed, do you use bright colored lipsticks?   I feel that they are less popular among the locals due to various reasons (too bright, too eye-catching, giving others an impression of heavy makeup etc.).  On the other hand, I feel that bright colored lipsticks are very easy to carry.  Simple eyeliners + bright lips = sophisticated look!!  It makes you look sharp and fab!!  Come on, try it during this summer when it’s supposed to be full of different colors!!  Get out of your comfort zone and surprise yourself from time to time, you won’t know how good you will look until you try!!)


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