Eyeshadow Swatches: Lunasol Eye Coloration No.15, EX24 and Special Edition EX01

之前係YouTube同大家講過會補翻化妝品試色圖,今日先補翻Lunasol嘅眼影先。 我唔多講,淨係想同大家分享顏色。 太耐無同大家分享試色圖,我都同大家講多一次,我全部無P圖,因為我覺得顏色P咗就唔係嗰樣野。 我以前試過上網見到有個palette好燒,之後去counter睇灰色P成黑色,完全唔係個件事,浪費咗我去睇嘅時間,所以我都唔想浪費你嘅時間。 當然影相都係會有偏差,但係起碼唔會變咗完全另一隻色先啦。 我唔講咁多,大家睇相!

I said in my YouTube earlier that I would come back with the colour swatches of the recent makeup I got. Let’s do Lunasol today first. I am not going to talk much, I just want to let you know what the colours look like. It’s been a really long time since I had done any swatches here, so I want to mention again I haven’t photoshopped any of the photos here, because the colours would be distorted even further. A long time ago, I saw a palette swatch online and I was so tempted, so I went to the counter and only to discover that grey was photoshopped to black. It wasn’t what I saw and it wasted my time and effort, so I don’t want to waste yours. Of course, there is still slight distortion of the colours going through the camera but it won’t be extreme. Let’s have a look now.

Lunasol Eye Coloration No.15 HK$480

Lunasol Eye Coloration EX24 HK$480

Lunasol Eye Coloration Special Edition EX01 HK$670

我一路都好鍾意Lunasol既眼影,粉質超級滑又易blend,而且顏色唔會過份激動,好多都用得到。 我差啲唔記得咗我有幾鍾意買同用眼影,未來日子等我繼續分享多啲。

I have been a fan of Lunasol eyeshadows, the powder is finely milled and it’s super easy to blend. Plus most colours are very wearable, so I find them a good buy. Honestly, I almost forgot how much I love buying and using different eyeshadows, I definitely will share more in the coming days.

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