Eyeshadow Swatches: Charlotte Tilbury The Queen of Glow

講起Charlotte Tilbury,我諗好多人都淨係記得佢哋最出名嘅Pillow Talk,由一枝lip liner同一個eyeshadow palette,申延到好多款唔同嘅產品都係同Pillow Talk有關。 我遲啲都會補翻Pillow Talk嘅一啲產品落嚟呢度。 但係今日我反而想同大家分享佢另一個Luxury Palette – The Queen of Glow。

When we talk about Charlotte Tilbury, many people would remember their Pillow Talk series. It started with just a lip liner and an eyeshadow palette and now there is a whole range of pillow talk products. I probably will add in some pillow talk items here on the blog later, but today I want to talk about another of their Luxury Palette – The Queen of Glow.

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette – The Queen of Glow HK$440


呢個係我最新入手嘅Charlotte Tilbury眼影盤。 因為佢哋係英國品牌,所以如果你有睇開佢哋嘅化妝品嘅話都會留意到佢哋會講唔同palette襯咩色眼珠最好。 喺亞洲我哋眼珠唔係黑就啡,所以我從來都無乜理咩色應該襯咩眼珠呢樣野,反而係我鍾意搽咩色多啲啦。 我就係因為見到Pillow Talk見到好悶,所以我想揾下其他驚喜。 有日行過Charlotte Tilbury見到呢盒The Queen of Glow,我覺得我可以收,因為都係我鍾意用嘅顏色。 雖然來來去去我都係金金啡啡你哋都可能覺得好悶,但係我可以話你知金金啡啡都會有好用同唔好同之分(用落就知),希望重新用得夠多又可以整個大全同大家分享。 呢個palette三閃一唔閃。有一個正中金色(可以用係眼頭),有個帶少少珊瑚橙嘅淺閃色(可以用喺底色),唔閃啡帶少少burnt tone色(做加深/眼摺/眼尾)同埋一個閃香檳色(用嚟打亮)。 望完覺得make sense就入咗手。 粉質一如以往哋好,又滑又上色,連matte色都滑身,一至兩下出到圖嘅顏色。 我覺得買Charlotte Tilbury嘅眼影粉質係唔洗擔心,揀啱自己鍾意會用嘅顏色就可以。 呢盒我遲啲再係YouTube啲一分鐘化妝片裡面俾大家睇上眼嘅效果丫。

This Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette is the newest addition to my collection. Since Charlotte Tilbury is a UK brand, if you have been following them, you would notice that they would say which palette is best for which pupil colour. For Asia, our pupils are either black or brown, so I don’t usually pay attention to which colour goes and which doesn’t; it’s more like which shades I love the most. Since I am a bit bored with the Pillow Talk collection, I want to see if they could excite me in another way. One day, I passed by their counter and saw The Queen of Glow. I think it’s right up my street! Though you might feel that most of my eyeshadows are of similar colours (the golds and the browns), I can tell you that some are better than others LOL. Hopefully one day when I pick up quite a few, I could do a “neutral tone eyeshadow edition” to share my findings with you. This palette consists of 3 shimmery and 1 matte colour. It comes with a true gold shimmery shade (can be used on the front of the eyes), a coral orange shimmery shade (can be the base colour), a matte brown with a bit of a burnt tone (can add depth/ double lids/ end of the eyes) and a champagne shimmery shade (as highlight). I think the palette makes sense, so I got my hands on it. The quality is just as good as all the other ones I got. The powder is finely milled and pigmented. Even for the matte colour, the texture is great; with 1-2 swipe, you can get the intensity shown in the photo. I am always confident about Charlotte Tilbury’s eyeshadow quality, I think it’s just a matter of picking the right colour for yourself. I think I am going to use this palette in my future 1 minute makeup video on YouTube so that you can see what it would look like on the eyes.

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