Eyeshadow Swatches: Chanel Tweed Collection

好新鮮呀喂! 我尋日買Chanel Tweed Collection眼影今日出試色圖,好似好耐無試過效率咁高! 係咪抵讚先! 因為係限量,所以我拿拿聲出埋佢,大家有興趣就急步去睇下仲有無貨丫!

Just launched! I got my hands on the Chanel Eyeshadows Quads – Tweed Collection yesterday and today I am firing the swatches photos at you, it’s been a long time since I am this efficient, deserve a thumbs-up, right? Since these are limited edition, I want to post them very quickly and if you are interested, hurry to their counters to see if they are still available!

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow – Tweed Collection

我有一段時間無乜買Chanel嘅化妝品,其中一個大原因係有一期我覺得樣樣野都差唔多,無乜新意。 但係今個Tweed Collection我覺得佢哋做得有心機,所以即刻飛奔去入手。 佢今次個pouch係做咗tweed,係佢哋品牌嘅signature,而每個色個pouch都跟翻唔同色,好有諗頭,唔hea。 今個collection有4個眼影,我覺得配色都做得好好,所以連我都好鬼興奮!

It’s been quite awhile since I last bought any Chanel makeup, one of the biggest reasons was that I felt everything was just so dull and boring at one point (it’s like I have seen it before!). However, for this tweed collection, I can tell that quite a bit of thought went into making these, so I hurried to get my hands on them. The pouches are made of tweed and it’s their brand’s signature, plus, every colour comes with a different coloured pouch. I can sense the effort involved. Also, there are 4 eyeshadows quads in this collection and I feel that the colours are done very nicely, so I got really excited too.


原本我淨係想買01, 03同04,但係你知我個人好extra啦,所以我最終買埋02想試埋色俾大家睇。 我覺得我都好了解自己,試完之後,我都真係覺得我鍾意01, 03同04多好多。 02係紫同粉紅tone,我自己好少化到咁女仔同埋佢係成個collection裡面係最matte嘅一盒,無乜閃色,同埋比其他色要畫多一兩下先出到相個顏色,我覺得佢02呢盒個粉質感覺同我以前用佢啲4格眼影一樣,唔係無色,但係就要畫多幾下。 反而其他三隻色好出色,一至兩下就出到圖入面個顏色。 如果淨係睇廣告,我本身最鍾意03,因為橙橙哋好精神,但係又唔會太誇張。 但係今日試完晒之後,我覺得01最實用因為淺中深嘅色都有,一盒搞掂唔洗諗,係正中大地色,所以乜都襯到,日日用唔洗煩嗰種。 03我覺得係精神色,但係miss咗一個中間色,有時唔想橙就要自己另外襯一個色。 如果鍾意橙橙哋嘅會好愛(好似我咁)。 而04係帶cool tone嘅色,好靚呀,鍾意cool tone嘅baby留意下,佢又係淺中深一盒搞掂個種,又係唔洗諗乜襯乜嗰啲,成日都會用到。 我自己就多用warm tone色,但係一到秋冬我就鍾意cool tone,所以呢盒我秋冬應該用好多。 你睇完晒又鍾意邊個顏色多啲?

At first, I just wanted to get 01, 03 and 04. Then you know I am a bit OCD, so I got my hands on 02 as well to swatch for you all. I know myself quite well, after swatching them, I still love 01, 03 and 04 a lot more. 02 is more of pink and purple tone, I don’t usually go for those girly colours and it’s the most matte within the collection. It seems to be less pigmented than other quads as well. I feel like the 02 quality is very similar to their previous quads, you need to do a few more swipes to have the intensity. On the contrary, the other 3 quads are pigmented, 1-2 swipes and you get the colours shown in the photos. When I was just looking at the advertisement, I loved 03 the most because I love orange-tone eyeshadows which makes me look more awake without being too over-the-top. However, after swatching them properly just now, 01 is the most usable because it has all light, middle and deep shades, which means you save time from mixing and matching with other palettes. Plus, it’s a great neutral tone, and it goes with everything. It’s a day-to-day palette without fuss. For 03, I feel that it’s a happy palette, there is no middle shade apart from the orange colour, so if you don’t feel the vibe that day, you might have to mix it with other palettes. BUT, if you enjoy the orange vibe (like me), you will love this. As for 04, it’s a cool tone palette which is stunning. If you love cool tones, you need to check this out. Again, it has all the light, middle and deep shades, which means it saves you time and energy and it is very practical. I use warm tone more in general, but I do love using cool tone in autumn and winter, I can see myself enjoy 04 a lot when the time comes. What about you? Which one is your favourite?

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