Eyeshadow Swatches: Addiction The Eyeshadow Palette

我覺得我真係開始心理唔平衡~哈哈哈~呢期一次過買咁多眼影! 不過呢期出嗰啲好似都幾有誠意,同埋實在太悶喇,所以刺激下都係一件好事。 我好耐之前都用過下Addiction嘅產品,但係都有一段時間無乜野燒,今次佢出四色眼影The Eyeshadow Palette,好多色揀同埋配色好make sense,所以搞到我要去入手。

I feel like I have been experiencing some form of emotional imbalance LOL. I got so many eyeshadows recently. Well, I got tempted by the wonderful colours and honestly I had been so bored, so I wanted to focus on some pretty stuff. It’s been awhile since I last tried Addiction products; so it was nice to see this new release – The Eyeshadow Palette. There are quite a few colour selection in the range and most colour combination makes sense, so I got my hands on a few.

Addiction The Eyeshadow Palette HK$450

望落去係咪好似?似得嚟又有唔同。 我去到嘅時候其實有啲都已經無貨,有啲我又完全無興趣同唔會用,所以我入手咗003 Marriage Vow,004 Timeless Gold,007 Hidden Copper同008 Thoursand Roses。 見到都知係我啲野! 一齊望下試色圖丫。

They look quite similar, right? But definitely with a hint of difference. Well, when I arrived, some were sold out and some were not my cup of tea, so I got my hands on 003 Marriage Vow, 004 Timeless Gold, 007 Hidden Copper and 008 Thousand Roses. These are kind of my vibe. Let’s take a closer look at the swatches below.


全部都有淺中深色同一個閃粉,一盒搞得掂嗰種唔洗再配嚟配去。 佢係日系眼影,我覺得同歐美款色有兩個最大嘅分別,日系比較日常,顏色唔會好激動,就算係俾激動色都係佔成個palette好少份量,呢點我覺得對初學,要快或者唔想花太多時間化妝嘅人好好,因為點搭都唔會點錯, 你見我上面嗰四個palette就係一個好例子,有心機用晒四隻色又得,趕時間淨係用一隻色又得。 另一個分別係顏色出嚟比較透薄,我要兩至三下先出到圖中嘅顏色。 可以係好可以係差睇你自己鍾意啲乜,我就無乜所謂,唔係無色就得。 顏色透薄出嚟效果比較自然,同埋唔會一下就太多色,可以唔夠先加。 唔係日日都Halloween或者好多時間好有心機慢慢化麻,所以我好多時都幾enjoy日系眼影,因為用最短時間可以化到個淡妝衝出門口! 粉質都滑,閃粉都唔會鞋手。 整體呢四盒我都覺得買得好。 不過我要等我真係用一期先知邊盒會勝出。 你又有無入手? 如果有你又買咗咩色?

All comes with light, middle, deeper shades and a glittery colour, so 1 palette is all you need. Addiction is a Japanese brand and I feel that there are a couple major differences between Japanese eyeshadows and western ones. Japanese ones are more day-to-day, the colour selection is wearable. Even sometimes I see a very striking colour, it wouldn’t be too overwhelming in the palette. I think this is great for beginners, or people who don’t have time to fuss around because you wouldn’t go wrong using any of the palettes. Just like the 4 palettes above, if you have time/ energy, you can use all 4 colours; but if you are in a hurry, you can just go for 1 colour. It’s up to you. The other major difference is the colour pigmentation. The Japanese ones are usually more sheer than the western ones. I had to do 2-3 swipes to get the intensity in the photos. It can be good or bad depending on what you like. I personally don’t mind it as long as the colour shows. When the colours are more sheer, they look more natural and you won’t be overwhelmed with colours with just one stroke. You can take the time to build up the intensity you want. It’s not everyday we have the mood or the time to fuss around, so I quite enjoy the simplicity of Japanese eyeshadow palettes. I can use the shortest time to create a natural look and get on with the rest of my day! The powder is finely milled and the glittery colour doesn’t feel rough. I feel that I would enjoy these 4 colours quite a bit, but I of course have to use them for a longer while to see which would become my absolute favourite. So what about you? Did you get any? If so, which colour did you get?

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