Eyeshadow Swatches: 3CE Butter Cream

兩年前入手過3CE嘅9宮格眼影,當時係入佢哋最受歡迎嘅顏色#Overtake,我都用咗好耐亦都好鍾意。 當時我做咗試色圖喺Instagram,我諗我遲啲都會補翻個試色圖嚟呢度,咁大家會易搵啲。 今日我反而想同大家分享我另一個最近入手嘅顏色叫#Butter Cream。我哋一齊望下啲顏色先丫。

Two years ago, I got my hands on one of the most popular eyeshadow palettes from 3CE called #Overtake. I am still enjoying it till to date. I did the swatch over on Instagram at that time and I think I will do one here later so it’s easy for you to find. Today, I want to show you the one that I recently got called #Butter Cream. Let’s take a closer look at the colours.

3CE Eyeshadow Palette #Butter Cream HK$329


9個色都真係有度好,打底色又有,閃色又有,淺色深色都有,咁一個palette就真正搞掂晒。 呢盒Butter Cream有4個唔閃色,兩個大閃粉色,三個微閃色,而色系都係日常大地款,所以唔洗特別技巧都用到。 對於唔鍾意好閃嘅朋友都係一個唔錯嘅選擇,但係如果去party要搶鏡又有兩個勁閃色係度備用。 佢嘅眼影真係好出色同好滑,就算霧面色都好出色。 而大閃粉色就唔鞋唔𠝹手,反而有啲cream狀質地喎。 圖中全部都係畫一下直出嘅顏色。 價錢又親民質地又好,所以我久唔久都會睇下有無新色出。 我覺得如果baby鍾意正宗大地色唔偏橙或粉,你會鍾意呢個組合。 我見到呢個combo就覺得好有初秋氣色。 我未等得切秋涼都已經開始玩緊呢盒! 有興趣可以去佢哋counter望下呀!

I quite like these 9-colour eyeshadow palettes because it contains the base colours, glittery colours, light and dark shades and all I need is to just fuss around 1 palette instead of many. This Butter Cream palette offers 4 mattes, 2 glitters and 3 shimmers. Its colour tone is your normal day-to-day neutrals, so you don’t really need special technique to use it. I think it’s great for people who don’t like too shimmery shades; but I also like how handy it is to come with two glitters which are perfect for special occasions. Its eyeshadow quality is very good, it’s pigmented and smooth to touch; even the matte shades are super pigmented. For the glitters, they are not rough to touch, they almost feel like a cream texture. The swatches in the photos are the result of one stroke, so you can imagine the intensity. For me, it has a great price point with great quality, so I do check if they have new colours from time to time. I think this Butter Cream is perfect for babies who enjoy the true neutrals which doesn’t lean towards orange nor pink. When I see this combo, it reminds me of early autumn. If you are interested, go to their counters and check it out!

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