[保養] 平價版Eye Gel

Base Formula既產品我講好多,原因係佢好平,如果大家on a budget或者係想用下平野,我覺得佢d野都用得過。 每一次我出postT大家都會問我小店有無得賣Base Formula既野,係無丫! 你地要上佢個網度買,我呢期都唔可以做團購因為我人手唔夠,朋友唔得閒而我就瞓都無得瞓,所以暫時幫唔到大家喇。 我知佢地好似可以俾你地銀行過數之後係尖沙咀拎貨,但係我自己無試過丫。 我次次都係用卡同埋送黎我屋企,所以如果你唔想用卡,可以去佢website研究下payment options呀!! 英文唔係好熟可以用google translate翻中文,咁可以易明d!  好喇,今日講下之前入手咗既eye gel先! 呢兩個eye gel都係佢地新品黎,一款抗老一款保濕,大家有興趣可以睇落去:

(English:  I have talked about many of Base Formula products, the main reason is that their prices are really reasonable, so if you are on a budget or looking for something very reasonable, I feel that they offer a nice results with that kind of price point.  Every time when I issue something regarding Base Formula, you all ask if Hakme Store stock them, the answer is no.  You can buy from their HK website, sadly I don’t have the manpower to do any group haul for you guys since my friend is quite busy lately and I barely have time to sleep, so at this moment, we can’t commit to any group haul.  But the good news is that I heard they have offered bank transfer and after payment, you can pick up the stuff at a TST location.  I haven’t tried that myself since I use credit card everytime and I’d like to get them delivered to my place.  But that is definitely an option for you if you don’t have credit card or don’t want to use credit card for some reason.  Definitely check out their HK website regarding the payment options and you will find the answer there.  Also, if you are not really familiar with English, you can use google translate on the website, then you could understand the content better.  Right, let’s talk about the two eye gels that I got before.  These two eye gels are their new items, one for anti-aging and the other one is hydrating, if you are interested, please read on:-)


Base Formula Age Defense Eye Gel 

with Pomegranate & Chamomile

價錢(Price):HK$128/ 30ml
Buy from: LINK




用後感:呢個都係蘆薈gel但係加咗Pomegranate同Chamomile,有舒緩抗老既作用。 我覺得呢個gel比較厚身d,搽完有保濕感同少少滋潤感,但係唔會笠,所以如果好怕出粒粒既人用會好d。 我覺得抗老黎講,佢係熟於預防性產品,唔係熟於改善型產品。 如果你大概30歲或以上,眼部問題唔嚴重,你淨係想搽一d唔笠既產品去幫你keep住保濕等唔好咁快出乾紋或者改善下淺淺地既乾紋既話,我覺得你都可以試下呢個。 但係如果你眼部已經出咗深既乾紋,又或者你係想改善黑眼圈個d咁既問題,呢個就唔適合喇。 如果你眼超乾都唔適合,你要用eye cream會好d啦~ So far,我覺得呢個產品唔攻眼(雖然香味都勁),保濕效果幾好。 算係一個平平地又唔錯既預防眼部老化產品!

(English:  Product Review: This is a aloe vera gel based product plus Pomegranate and Chamomile.  It has soothing and anti-aging properties.  I feel that this gel is slightly thicker and it feels quite hydrating and a bit moisturizing on the eye areas, but it’s not sticky nor heavy, so if you are afraid to get any bums on your eye areas, this might be a nice choice.  For anti-aging, I feel that it’s more on the prevention side than the corrective side.  If you are about 30 and you don’t have much problems on the eye areas and you are looking for something quite light weight to upkeep the status so as to delay the aging process or even cure some of the tiny shallow fine lines, then you could give this a try.  However, if you have quite deep lines on your eye areas or you want to fix your dark circles etc., this is not for you.  Also if you have super dry eye areas, you really should be looking at eye creams instead~~  So far, this doesn’t irritate my eyes (though the scent is strong), it has a nice hydrating function and in my opinion, it is a nice choice for delaying aging issues on the eye areas (since it has got that very attractive price tag)!)

Base Formula Hydrating Eye Gel
with Cucumber Extract

價錢(Price):HK$96/ 30ml
Buy from: LINK



用後感: 呢隻gel同Age Defense個隻比較係薄d同埋無咁香。價錢亦都再平d! 呢隻都係蘆薈gel不過入面就有青瓜成份,所以係保濕為主! 我覺得佢係幾保濕,好易吸收,唔笠。 我覺得呢個適合好後生既妹妹,十令二十歲,眼部無咩問題,只係想搽下野保下濕,咁就啱喇。 不過又係個句,如果眼部好多問題,我都係唔建議用呢隻。 另外我覺得如果你想去下眼腫,本身呢個gel收緊個效果唔明顯,但係你可以放佢係雪櫃,邊日眼腫就拎佢出黎搽厚d敷15分鐘, 咁就會快d消腫,呢個方法都唔錯,可以試下! 佢價錢真係好親民,我自己多數當佢係eye mask咁用,放佢係雪櫃,有需要個陣拎黎敷下咁!!

(English:  Product Review:  This gel feels lighter and doesn’t has such a strong scent when I compare it with the Age Defense one.  And it has a even more lovely price!  This is also a aloe vera gel based product but this time it has cucumber inside, so it’s mainly for hydrating.  I feel that it’s quite hydrating, easy to absorb and not heavy.  I think this is suitable for those who are in their teens or early 20s without much eye problems to fix.  If you are looking for something just for hydrating, this could be it.  But again, if you have many problems like dark circles and such you want to fix, this is not it.  Also if you want to reduce puffiness, the gel itself doesn’t offer an obvious tightening results, but you can put this in the fridge, if you have one of those days, you can take it out, apply a thick layer on the eye areas for 15 mins, then it helps to de-puff quicker.  I quite like this method and you can definitely try it out.  I love the price – I mostly use it as an eye mask whenever I feel like I need a bit more hydration and de-puffing!!)




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