[美髮] 英國殿堂級髮型師Express Styling的體驗

上個星期英國殿堂級既髮型師黎香港,亦都邀請咗我去體驗下佢既Express Styling。 佢成日都幫行紅地氈既明星整頭,所以我一接到個邀請真係極度興奮!! 原因係我唔單只見到佢真人,仲有機會俾佢幫我整頭,超級開心(我開心到前個晚瞓唔著!!)!

(English: Last week, the UK renowned hair stylist came to Hong Kong and I was invited to try his Express Styling service. He has been working on different celebrities’ hair, so when I got the news, I was ecstatic!! I was happy to meet him in person and I was even more happy to be able to experience his magic! I was literally so happy that I couldn’t sleep the night before!!)

當日我去到The Strand,見到佢就即刻同佢打招呼!! 佢真係好nice,佢同行有個同事叫Jules,都係一樣超級nice!! 我一坐底,佢地就開始睇下可以點整我個頭喇!!  

(English: I went to The Strand on that day and I immediately greeted Mark when I saw him! He is exceptionally nice and even his colleague, Jules, is very nice too. The minute I sat down, Mark started to see how he could make my hair look better!!) 


(English: See, this is definitely before the magic and honestly, my hair looked very distressed!!) 

之後Mark就用自己既產品幫我造型。佢先用咗佢地既Turn Up The Heat幫我保護d頭髮,為一陣間做捲髮做好保護!

(English: Then Mark started to use his own product to style my hair. The first thing he used was a Heat Protector (called Turn Up The Heat) to protect my hair from the heat that would be caused by the curling ion!)



(English: He worked super fast, we talked for like 10 mins and he almost finished curling all my hair!!)

捲好哂喇!! 佢就用佢地有枝抗humidity既產品幫我hold好個型,同埋呢枝野可以令d頭髮貼服d,唔好咁多飛起毛毛。 佢話我地而家呢個天氣用真係一流,因為我地天氣好潮濕,所以用呢個產品就可以幫到我地既頭髮貼服d!! 可惜既係香港未有呢枝產品,我同佢反應咗喇,香港都要快d入呢個產品先得,咁我地d頭髮先可以無咁瘋狂!! 

(English: Done with the curling and he used an anti-humidity spray to hold my hair in place. Also, this product can smoothen the frizz. He mentioned that this product is perfect for our weather because it has the anti-humidity function!! Sadly, it’s not available in Hong Kong (just yet), but I have already told him that he needed to bring this across to Hong Kong so that many of us can say goodbye to crazy, puffy and frizzy hair!!)

我到最後就問佢,佢覺得係咪第一次黎香港,佢話原來佢黎咗成15次喇!! 咁我又問佢,佢覺得香港女仔同外國女仔既頭髮有咩分別,佢話佢覺得香港女仔d頭髮好多都好乾同好鬆,佢強烈建議我地要做多d hair mask,就好似保養塊面咁,保養頭髮都係一樣,要放心機同時間先會靚架!!呢點我真係好認同,我要再勤力d保養我d頭髮先得,因為頭髮都好影響人地對自己既第一印象!! 

(English: Lastly I asked him if this was the first time of him coming to HK and he said he had been here for around 15 times already!!! Then I asked him what was the difference between Hong Kong ladies’ hair against those in his home country. He said that Hong Kong ladies’ hair are very dry and puffy. He recommended us to use more hair masks. The idea was the same as taking care of our skin. We need to put in time and effort to look good. I can’t agree more with him, I really have to work on my hair and hopefully one day I will have really nice and luxurious hair because hair is very important when it comes to first impression as well!)


整完喇!!!係咪唔同哂? 頭髮好有volume同埋好靚呀個型!!! 如果我自己都整到咁靚就好喇!! 我要練習, 挑戰sexy hair!! 

(English: Done!! Looks very different eh? My hair definitely had way more volume and I really love the style!! Only if I could do it myself. But guess what!!! I am going to challenge myself and I will practice till the day that I can create this sexy hair for myself!!) 

好開心今次可以見到Mark Hill!! 佢同我傾傾下計仲問我有無睇開邊個YouTuber!! 哈哈!!!我就講我跟開既幾個UK YouTuber俾佢聽。 佢都知呀!!! 個種感覺都好奇妙,我係香港人,佢係英國人,大家就講緊同一堆人!! 大家都好似識得咁呀!! 哈哈!!! 

(English: It was really a great pleasure to meet Mark in person and he asked me if I followed any YouTubers. *Laughs* I told him a few of the UK ones that I followed and he knew them too!! The feeling was almost funny and strange. I am from HK and he is from the UK but we talked about the same bunch of people!!) 

我臨走前佢送咗一枝佢地既自家產品俾我! 等我返去用真d再同大家分享!! 

(English: Just before I left, he gave me one of his products to try out! I will definitely share my thoughts after using it for awhile!!)

呢個故事未完! 我走咗之後就落咗銅鑼灣既Mannings,入面有Boots既產品賣。 我見Mark Hill既產品當日做75折,所以我就買咗以下既產品喇,諗住用完又可以同大家分享一下(同埋Mark咁nice同professional,我直覺覺得佢既產品都應該唔錯,唔怕買)!! 

(English: The story didn’t end there!! After I left, I went to the
Mannings in Causeway Bay whereby Boots products were sold. I saw that
Mark Hill’s products were on a 25% off deal, so I got the following to
try and I will definitely share my comments with you all later (Mark is
really nice and professional, so I had a feeling that his products
should be good too!!)!!)

好啦!!! 我用完以上既產品再同大家分享一下!!嘻嘻!! 

(English: Right!! I will share my thoughts on the products later!! *Grins*) 

Photos are taken by MJPhotographyHK



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