日本開架品牌Excel新出柔滑亮彩眼影筆 好唔好用

大家用唔用眼影筆呢一啲東東呢? 我自己就非常鍾意,之前你都聽我分享過Laura Mercier嘅眼影筆非常好用。 今日就要同大家分享另外一個我自己都好鍾意嘅開價牌子Excel,佢都出咗柔滑亮彩眼影筆,一齊望下好唔好用丫。

Do you use eyeshadow sticks?  I personally love it, you probably heard me raving about Laura Mercier eyeshadow sticks before.  Today I want to talk to you about another Japanese drugstore brand (which I love) – Excel.  They recently release some eyeshadow sticks and let’s take a good look.  

Eyeshadow Stick HK$109

Excel柔滑亮彩眼影筆 好唔好用

呢啲眼影筆,基本上係超級容易使用,係個眼皮度畫幾下,再用扁平嘅化妝掃blend開就搞掂。 如果想有多啲層次,就加其他眼影粉。 

These eyeshadow sticks are so easy to operate.  Draw a few lines on the lids and then blend with a flat brush, voila DONE!  If you want a bit more layering, you can always add in some eyeshadow powder to blend.  

我買咗GF02,佢畫出嚟有閃底,易畫,出色同質地好幼滑。 畫完響隻手度之後狂捽佢都唔郁,可以證明佢係好持久。  佢有話係防水同埋防暈染,但係我反而有啲擔心上左眼會唔會blend唔開呢。 當我買完返屋企第二日去試嘅時候,我發現一畫完再用個掃去blend係完全冇問題。 顏色有少少閃個效果非常之靚! 我多數會加少少其他色嘅眼影粉一齊去用,佢hold一日完全無問題。 亦唔會眨眨下眼之後變咗一達達。 我覺得佢嘅質量好唔錯。 要落妝嗰陣都好簡單,只要用返半油半水落眼妝專用嘅卸妝液或者卸妝油就已經可以輕鬆落到。佢總共出咗六隻色,應該有一個顏色啱你,你快啲去睇吓試吓啦!我自己喺@cosme買。

I got no. GF02. It’s shimmery, easy to draw, pigmented and finishes smoothly.  When I drew it on my hand and started rubbing it, it didn’t even move, which means it’s really long-lasting.  It does say that it’s waterproof and smudgeproof.  However, I was concerned that it might not be blendable on the eye lids.  I bought it anyway and tried the next day.  I drew a few lines and then used a flat brush to blend, it was easy and effortless.  The finish is very pretty!  I do mix with other shadows to create a bit more dimension and I love how it looks.  Plus, it’s very long-lasting, and it doesn’t crease when blinking the eyes, I think its quality is really nice!  It’s easy to remove as well, just use those half oil half water-based eye makeup removers or cleansing oil and it would come off nicely.  Excel’s eyeshadow sticks come in 6 different colours and I am sure there would be one that you like.  Hurry to check it out if you want to give it a go.  I got mine from @cosme!

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