Excel Lip Tint Oil

今日都係補翻Excel產品試色圖。第一次見呢個品牌係去日本前做有咩好買功課,點知而家香港都有,唔係好關我事,但係我都好開心,因為大家又可以有多d選擇,有時我行黎行去都淨係見到都係個幾個品牌,都真係有d悶! 好喇,去翻正題,補翻試色圖相先。

(English: I am going to show you another product swatch of Excel today.  I first knew this brand because I was heading to Japan and I had to research what were the must-buy items, and now it’s available in Hong Kong as well.  It’s not really my business but I am happy, because now we do get more choices!  I have to admit sometimes when I am shopping, I do get bored seeing the same thing again and again.  Right back to the topic, here comes the swatches.)

Excel Lip Tint Oil in LO01, LO02 and LO03 HK$125
Available in some Sasa

Excel Lip Tint Oil

Excel Lip Tint Oil


Excel Lip Tint Oil

Excel Lip Tint Oil

三個色全部都係好大路既顏色。 而用後感我之前已經有個video同大家分享咗,如果miss左可以睇翻下面條片丫。大家又鍾意邊個色多d呢?

(English:  All 3 colours are very day-to-day colours.  I have reviewed them in my previous video and if you missed that, please refer to the video below.  Which colour is your favourite?)

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