眼部比較敏感之選: Evolcare Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel


I got to know Evolcare because of a staycation, I find some of their products quite nice and affordable.  Today let me share my thoughts on their Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel with you, if you have sensitive eye areas, read on.

Evolcare Vibe 洋甘菊眼部緊緻凝膠 HK$160
Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel LINK

Evolcare Vibe Soothing Camomile Eye Gel

一盒有五枝好似針筒嘅eye gel,每一枝都畫好晒份量,每次唧一格就足夠搽晒兩隻眼。 

There are 5 needle looking like eye gels inside a pack and everyone of them has indication of how much you should use each time for both eye areas.



Non-greasy and easily absorbed, this eye gel works wonders to brighten and reduce puffiness around the eyes.
Containing Cornflower and German Chamomile Extracts, this also soothes any irritations. Along with other natural plant extracts that are high in antioxidant actives, this gel will give an instant boost of radiance and tightening effects.


Evolcare Vibe 洋甘菊眼部緊緻凝膠質感清爽,好快吸收亦唔會有油膩感。 如果眼部容易出油脂粒可以放心使用。 而佢入面有洋甘菊主打舒緩,所以眼周比較易敏感嘅baby都可以安心使用。 我對眼比較易出油脂粒,用佢都冇特別出粒粒。 我覺得佢保濕唔錯,有輕微收緊效果。 如果眼部位置有少少紅,佢都幫手舒緩得到。 但係如果好深嘅眼紋或者好浮腫嘅眼袋,甚至好嚴重嘅黑眼圈,我就覺得你可能需要另一啲更強勁嘅眼部產品。 我會話呢一款eye gel係比較入門版嘅產品,如果你眼部位置唔太多問題,只不過會比較容易敏感嘅話,咁你應該會鍾意。 但係如果你想針對改善唔同眼部問題嘅話,呢一款產品未必適合你。

Evolcare Vibe Soothing Chamomile Eye Gel is a very light-weight gel, it’s easy to absorb and it doesn’t leave any grease behind.  If your eye areas are more prone to bumps, you can rest assure that this won’t be too greasy for you.  It contains chamomile inside so it targets soothing, if you have sensitive eye areas, this would be good for you.  My delicate areas are prone to bumps but I experience none of that with this eye gel.  I think the hydrating function is nice and it has a bit of a tightening effect.  If the eye areas are acting up, it helps to soothe.  However, if you have deep lines, heavy eye bags or severe dark circle issues, you would need something stronger than this.  I feel that this eye gel is more of an entry level product.  It’s for someone whose main concern is sensitivity around eye areas.  If you want something that can help solve the usual concern around the eye areas, this product is not for you.  

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