[Reporter] 分。享 美麗 Gooodapple.com 開幕禮

星期三晚開始病咗, 但係無損我星期六去event既心情! 除咗係我答應咗會出席之外, 另外都因為gooodapple.com係一個新既分享美麗既平台, 所以我好有興趣了解多d佢地既理念(哈哈,所有同分享美麗有關既我都好有興趣!!)。  於是我就係星期六下午去到The One出席呢個開幕禮喇!!

(English:  I got sick on Wednesday night but it didn’t affect my mood to attend an event on Saturday!  Apart from the fact that I have promised to show my face, it was mainly because gooodapple.com is a new beauty sharing platform and I wished to understand their philosophy a bit better (yea, I am interested in everything beauty!).  So, I went to The One on Saturday afternoon to attend the grand opening!


(English: First, MC talked about what gooodapple.com was all about.)

跟住亦都有gooodapple.com既人員同我地講下唔同年代既分享有咩特質。 例如以前未有上網呢回事, 大家分享咩好用都靠一口傳一口, 之後就係睇廣告,睇明星, 睇雜誌, 而家就多數人都係上網做research, 睇好評雷評(真正用家心得)!! 諗翻起幾個generation既特質都幾得意!

(English: Then a staff at gooodapple.com shared with us how sharing differed from various generations, e.g. prior to internet, everyone shared through the word of mouth (literally), then it moved onto advertisements, celebrities and magazines.  Now, most people do their research online and they value their opinion of real users!  It’s quite interesting when the story is broken down like this!)

之後唔少得有靚女官恩娜上黎同我地講下佢既上網習慣啦, 真人真係好靚女好sweet!

(English:  Then Ella Koon came to share with us her online habits.  She looks very pretty and sweet in person!)

Ella仲同我地講佢最鍾意gooodapple.com既Tag function, 夠方便! 用完d咩產品係面, Tag哂佢, 之後分享, 咁人地就可以一click就知道你用過d咩產品! 我自己都係最愛呢個function!

(English:  Ella mentioned that she liked the Tag function in gooodapple.com the best because of its convenience.  You can tag whatever products that you have used on your face, then share it with your followers and friends.  Others can see what you have used with just 1 click!  I personally love this Tag function the most as well!!) 

美麗就離唔開化妝品丫! 當日亦都有化妝師同model示範下今年最興既makeup look! ,其實個model本身都好靚女, 所以化咩妝都應該好靚! 哈!

(English:  Since makeup is a big part of beauty, there was a makeup session for the makeup artist to present us with the newest Spring makeup look!  Actually the model looks really pretty herself, I am sure she would look pretty with whatever makeup she’s got on!)


最後, 大家都將apple放哂入個大型Apple Box裡面, 象徵住gooodapple.com開幕喇!! 對我黎講好簡單, 即係多一個平台俾我分享喇!! 

(English:  Finally, everyone put the “apple” inside the gigantic Apple Box meaning that the grand opening of gooodapple.com was completed.  It means 1 thing to me – I have one more platform to play with and to share my beloved with all of you!)


走既時候, 大會送咗佢地第一個限量既Apple Box俾我。 超愛個盒呀!! 好可愛!! 儲多幾個可以疊高整抽屜丫!!!

(English:  gooodapple.com gave me this limited edition Apple Box before I left!  I really love the box – super cute eh?  After collecting a few, I can literally make a tall drawer!!)

 入面有唔同產品既sample size/ full size可以試用! 哈, 入面既產品我有幾樣都用過同埋係大愛丫, 例如 L’Oreal Infaillible Eyeshadow同Maybelline Baby Lips。

(English:  There are samples and full sized products inside the Apple Box.  *Laughs*  I have used some of the items already and they are my favs e.g. L’Oreal Infaillible Eyeshadow & Maybelline Baby Lips.)

我遲幾日用哂d產品再同大家分享一下個Apple Box入面既產品好唔好用啦!!

(English:  Right, let me share what’s good and what’s bad inside the box after I have used all the items, I will save this for another day!)


我自己就玩咗個gooodapple.com個令月, so far感覺好好, 我最愛係佢以相為base, 相信大家都鍾意睇相多過睇字啦! 

(English:  I have been on gooodapple.com for over a month.  So far so good!!  I really love that the website is based on photos.  I believe that we are all more interested in photos than words.)


我開咗唔同既相簿去儲起我唔同collection既相。 整齊得黎又一目了然! 我頭先咪話我最愛個Tag function既, 我將我既相全部都Tag哂相關既產品, 大家睇既時候就好清楚產品資料, 價錢等等!

(English:  I have built a few albums to post my different collections.  It’s simple, tidy and clear!  I said just now I loved the Tag function right?  I have tagged all my photos with related products, then when you click on the photos, you will see product info and prices – very convenient!)

仲有我既造型, 我都放埋上去! 又係Tag咗我用過d咩!

(English:  And of course my looks!!  I have posted a few photos and I have tagged the products I have used *smiles*!)

當然唔少得review啦!! 我諗我算係review女皇(如果唔係我個blog點會有咁多篇產品既review), 我將有d review係我個blog copy咗過佢,但係因為我俾我review過既產品太多喇, 等我有時間就痴一d過去啦!

(English:  How could I miss out the review part?  I think I could call myself the Queen of Reviews (just count how many reviews my blog has *laughs*), I have copied a few of my reviews over to gooodapple.com, but since I have too many, I will continue with the project when I have a bit more time!)

哈! 你都快d去玩同分享啦! 你見到我就記得關注我喇! 我個名無變丫, 都係iamhakme!!

(English:  Sounds fun?  Just go there, register and start sharing!  If you see me popping up, follow me, same name is used as always – iamhakme!!)

Event Photos Taken By MJPhotographyHK


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