[化妝] 韓國Etude House Play 101 Pencil萬用筆

好喇,出埋今日試色圖,我未來一兩日就會出video講comment部分。 當然未可以一次過分享哂我之前係韓國買既產品,但係起碼有一部分,如果你近期要去韓國都有少部分可以參考一下。 今日到Etude House既萬用筆,我叫佢萬用筆都真係無錯,因為佢可以做眼線眼影胭脂唇膏! 哈哈~~ 睇咗顏色先啦~

(English:  Right, after today’s swatches, I will release the video with the comments on the products in the next day or so.  Of course I can’t include everything in just one video but at least there are part of the products; so if you are heading out to Korea, at least you have some reference!  Today, the spotlight is on Etude House Play 101 Pencil, as far as I am concerned, they can be used as eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush and lipstick!!  How wonderful – let’s go through the colors that I have got first~~)

Etude House Play 101 Pencil




咁當然係根據你買既顏色,可用既地方都唔同啦。 如果你買啡色,佢多數係可以當眼線眼影,用黎做胭脂唇膏既實用性就未必高啦~~

(English:  The versatility of the product depends on the color that you choose.  For example, if you get a brown color, it would mostly work for eyeshadow and eyeliner, but maybe not as a blush nor lipstick~~)

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