Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream 毛孔細緻白茶面霜

天氣轉,有又濕又熱! 大家都會想用清爽少少既護膚品啦! 我覺得Eternus-D呢個毛孔細緻白茶面霜出得好合時呀! 仲要係gel狀,我諗大家都會鍾意!

(English:  The weather changed and it’s hot and humid!  I guess many of us would like to switch to skincare products with lighter texture!  I feel that this Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream is released at the right time!  It has a very friendly gel texture and I think many of you would love it!)


Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream HK$400/30g (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream

Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream


Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream

Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream

Eternus-D Pore Refining White Tea Cream


佢係gel狀,有清清地既白茶香味,聞到都舒服,陣味都好快散,佢亦都好快被吸收,吸咗皮膚好鬼滑,係清爽既,唔會有痴笠笠既感覺。 佢有幾個功能我覺得大家都應該覺得好吸引! 佢有保濕效果,搽完乾紋都見唔到。 另外,佢可以幫手收細毛孔,佢入面既毛孔緊緻因子就係針對改善毛孔粗大成因喇。 仲有,入面既白茶提取物可以消除紅腫,如果你久唔時有痘痘佢可以幫你消紅消腫,快啲KO粒痘痘。佢仲有少少涼涼地,所以而家呢個天氣用真係好舒服!!  想轉面霜又怕笠既話我覺得呢個好正! 當然啦,如果你乾肌既話我覺得呢個對你黎講係唔夠;但係如果你係油肌混合肌唔笠得既話,我覺得呢個好啱你!

(English:  It’s of a gel texture and it gives out a very refreshing white tea scent.  It’s quite soothing when you apply it on skin and the scent fades away quite quickly as well.  It gets absorbed very quickly, after that, skin becomes super smooth to touch.  The feeling is light weight and it doesn’t have any greasy residue on skin.  It offers a few functions which I think all of you would be quite interested!  It hydrates skin nicely, after application, the fine lines due to dryness are gone!  Also, it helps to refine pores. It contains Multi-action Pore Refiner which targets the causes of large pores.  Plus, the Camellia Sinensis Extract inside helps reducing redness and swelling.  That means, if you have occasional pimples, it would help to reduce the redness and swelling so that you can say bye to the pimples sooner.  It also has a bit of a cooling sensation during application, so it’s perfect for this weather!  If you want to change your facial cream and you want something light weight, I think this is a great product!  Of course, if you have dry skin, I don’t think this offers enough hydration for you; however, if you have oily skin or combination skin or you can’t use anything that’s too moisturising, then I think this is perfect for you!)

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