竟然呢支洗頭水我冇喺呢度講過? 我check咗三次又真係冇喎! 我成日以為我已經同呢支我最愛嘅去頭皮止頭痕洗頭水Esterel Purifying Shampoo出咗個宏大嘅blog post,但係所有嘢竟然係我想像出嚟! 唔緊要,啱啱返咗貨補返個blog post俾大家,你哋身邊邊個有頭皮或者頭痕問題,你記得send呢篇文章俾佢哋睇啊!
I haven’t written a blog post about this? I checked 3 times and well, I confirmed that I didn’t! I somehow thought I did talk about my favourite Esterel Purifying Shampoo here because it can ease scalp itchiness and dandruff, but I guess that was just my imagination! Oh well, we just got them back in stock, let me finish this blog post now so you can send it off to your friends and family who might be bothered by itchy scalp and the annoying dandruff.
Purifying Shampoo HK$260/260ml LINK

店長一直都有頭皮同頭痕嘅問題困擾,當年我聽到Esterel呢支Purifying洗頭水可以去頭皮止頭痕,我就第一時間叫店長試。 佢用咗一至兩支已經完全K.O. 晒頭皮同頭痕嘅問題,所以呢支產品都係佢嘅大愛。如果有頭皮或者頭痕嘅問題,就keep住日日用。 用到問題遠離你,你就一星期用一兩次間住其他洗頭水去用,咁就可以確保嗰個問題唔再返嚟搵你。
Shop Manager had been bothered by these two problems for the longest time. A few years ago, when I heard that Esterel Purifying Shampoo can help to resolve the two issues, I asked her to try. She used 1-2 bottles and the problems disappeared, that explained why this has been one of her favourite items ever since. If you have itchy scalp or dandruff, use this every day to wash your hair until the problems go away; then use this once or twice (alternate with other shampoos) to upkeep and ensure the issues won’t return.
我自己就冇頭皮嘅問題,但係久唔久都會頭痕,所以我以前一星期都會用佢一兩次keep住唔好頭痕。 佢成為我真真正正冇咗會死嘅大愛係兩年前,我因為染髮搞到過敏要入急症室,從此之後就留有陰影,個頭一少少痕,我就擔心會翻發,所以兩年前好返之後我轉左日日用呢支洗頭水,確保頭皮乾淨健康唔會有痕既問題出現。
I personally didn’t have much of a dandruff issue, I occasionally had itchy scalp, so I used this once or twice a week to K.O. the itchiness. It became my absolutely staple 2 years ago. Long story short, I had a hair dye at the salon, then my scalp got some really bad reaction and I had to rush myself to the emergency room. After that, it kinda scarred me for life. Whenever my scalp got a bit itchy, I would worry about the allergies coming back; so I switched to using this Esterel Purifying Shampoo everyday to ensure my scalp is clean, healthy and leaves no room for itchiness.
Also, this shampoo can be used as a deep clean shampoo as well. Even if you don’t have the issues of itchy scalp or dandruff, you can use it once a week to deep cleanse your scalp, wash off the excessive chemicals, ensure scalp healthiness and adding some bounce back to the roots of the hair.
呢支洗頭水咁多年嚟拯救咗過萬位baby既頭皮,大家如果有呢個問題或者身邊有親戚朋友有呢類型嘅困擾,你send呢篇文章俾佢哋睇等佢哋快啲可以認識呢支洗頭水,幫佢哋K.O.頭皮同頭痕呢兩大問題。 有興趣嘅話可以直接去舖頭(黑咪店地址)買或者網購(按此)都得。
This Esterel Purifying Shampoo has helped tens and thousands of people with scalp issues, if you have these two particular problems or you know of anyone who has, please send them this post so that they can get to know this shampoo and recover from the problems soon. If you are interested, you can come to our stores to have a sniff and make your purchase (Hakme Beauty addresses) or you could buy online (link here).