我相信好多人都有脫髮嘅問題,我都一樣! 洗頭甩好多頭髮,連屋企個地下都成日會見到啲頭髮甩到一地都係。 之前壓力大嗰期尤其嚴重,今日想同大家分享一下呢枝我用咗好耐嘅防脫髮洗頭水 – Esterel Phyto Fortifiant Plus Shampoo,等大家都一齊甩小啲頭髮!
I believe many of you have hair loss issue, same here! The hair loss is quite freaky while washing the hair; not to mention I see so much “fallen” hair around the house as well. Today I want to share with you my favourite anti-hair loss shampoo – Esterel Phyto Fortifiant Plus Shampoo, so that we can resolve this issue together.
Esterel Phyto Fortifiant Plus Shampoo
防脫髮洗頭水 HK$310

✅Replenishes nutrients to scalp
✅Anti-hair loss
呢枝防脫髮洗頭水專注補充營養俾頭皮,等頭皮有足夠嘅營養,咁頭髮就唔會因為唔夠營養而脫落得咁犀利。 足夠既養分亦可以幫助頭髮生長得好啲健康啲。
This shampoo targets to replenish nutrients to scalp, when scalp has sufficient nutrients, it helps to reduce hair loss. It also means that hair can grow better and healthier.
佢嘅用法非常簡單,用佢取代你平時嘅洗頭水就得喇。 日日用、長期用都冇問題。 佢起到泡,洗得乾淨得嚟又唔會整到頭髮好乾。 我用完佢兩三次都已經見到洗頭嘅時候甩少咗好多頭髮。 而屋企個地下都冇見到咁多DNA出現。 當然正常情況頭髮都會自然脫落,但係呢枝防脫髮洗頭水就幫我減少不必要嘅脫落。 如果你有睇我之前育髮條片,你對呢枝產品唔陌生。 如果你冇睇嘅話你快啲撳下面條片去睇,除咗呢枝洗頭水幫我防脫髮,仲有另一個產品幫我生番啲頭髮出嚟添。 睇完有興趣過嚟舖頭入手(黑咪店地址)或者撳呢條link上網買都得。
Its usage is simple. Simply replace your regular shampoo with this anti-hair loss shampoo. It can be used everyday and for long term as well. It generates some foam, cleans well without drying the hair. After 2-3 times, I notice less hair loss during hair wash and I see less DNA on the floor. Of course, we do lose hair normally but this shampoo helps me to prevent unnecessary hair loss. If you have watched my hair regrowth YouTube video, you probably know this product. If you haven’t yet, go watch it now because there is another product which helps facilitate my hair regrowth. If you are interested, you can come to shop at Hakme Beauty stores (addresses here) or buy online from this link.