Esterel Lenifiante Cream 保護面霜


(English:  A couple weeks ago, I talked about Esterel Nutri-Action which repairs your first layer of skin.  Today, let’s talk about another cream in the same family but it’s a day cream!  So if you are looking for a day cream, you will have one more choice!  This is available at Hakme Beauty stores and online.)

Esterel Hydra Evolution Lenifiante Cream HK$510/50ml LINK


我鍾意叫呢個做保護面霜,因為咁樣大家易明好多。佢個質地比較杰身,但係搽上皮膚都好易推得開同埋等一少陣吸咗唔會笠。 吸完皮膚好滑同埋夠潤。 呢隻cream係俾乾性/易敏感皮膚去用。 如果你係油性皮膚,呢隻cream唔啱你喇。佢主要既功效就係喺皮膚表層形成一層薄膜去保護皮膚,等皮膚唔會咁易水份流失或者好易受外界因素影響而起敏感。 其實你唔會feel到有一層野,所以你放心,唔厚既(太厚既我都頂唔住)。 另外,佢都當然係保濕滋潤啦。如果你好乾,或者好易無啦啦敏感既話,你都可以試下呢個當係日霜!我之前皮膚唔穩定都係用佢。

(English:  I love calling this Protective Cream because it’s so much more easier to understand what it does.  Its texture is quite balm-y on the glance but when you spread it, it spread nicely and it gets absorbed rather quickly.  After that, skin feels smooth to touch and moisturised.  This cream is for dry/ sensitive skin.  If you have oily skin, I don’t think this is for you.  Its main function is to form a protective layer on the skin, so it helps to retain moisture in the skin and also it protects skin from outside factors which might cause allergies.  You won’t notice the protective layer, so don’t worry, it’s not a mask and it doesn’t feel like a mask (you think I would pick this if the texture is not suitable for Hong Kong?).  Of course, it hydrates and moisturises too.  If you have dry skin or your skin gets irritated by outside factors easily, I would suggest you to give this a try as a day cream.  I used this when my skin was acting up before, it did a good job!)

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