而家我哋天氣咁熱,最鍾意就係搽一啲可以令自己透心涼嘅產品。 今日我想同大家分享吓Esterel呢款Ice Gel。
When our weather is so hot, I always want to put something cool on my skin to keep me sane. Today I want to share this Esterel Ice Gel with you.
Esterel Ice Gel HK$490/250ml

✅De-stresses tired muscles
✅Reduces water retention on legs
✅Offers cooling sensation

淨係聽個名都知透心涼。 佢係比較杰身嘅啫喱狀,但係用好少嘅份量推得好開,亦都非常快吸收,吸完之後唔會有黐立立嘅感覺仲好爽身添。 佢入面有薄荷,所以一搽嘅時候感覺好冰涼。 而呢種冰涼係可以維持大概30分鐘。 亦都因為佢涼涼哋,所以可以舒緩肌肉疲勞。好啱做完運動周身酸軟既朋友。 另外呢jar野個全名係Ice Gel for Legs,佢入面有一種植物叫魔鬼爪,可以減浮腫,所以如果長時間要企嘅朋友用佢嚟搽小腿係好啱。 我同品牌都confirm咗呢jar啫喱唔單止可以用嚟搽小腿,仲可以全身搽,好似body lotion一樣咁做到保濕。 我夜晚搽完第二朝都覺得皮膚好夠水唔會乾,而且皮膚摸落好滑。 有一次屋企冷氣壞咗,我都係全靠佢吊住條命,keep住唔好出汗同埋keep住EQ高。 哈哈。 但係有一樣嘢要注意,如果你有蠶豆症或者靜脈曲張,呢個產品就唔適合你喇。 有興趣行過Hakme Beauty (地址按此)上去試吓佢有幾涼又或者網購(連結按此) 都得。
The name tells you everything about the cooling sensation LOL! It’s of a solid gel texture but it’s very spreadable and easy to absorb. After absorption, skin feels soft and light (there is absolutely no sticky feeling). It has menthol inside, so skin feels very cool when it’s applied and the cooling sensation stays for around 30 mins. The coolness helps to relax tensed and tired muscles, so it’s really great for people after the gym. The full name of this product is called Ice Gel for Legs and it has Devil’s Claw inside which can help with reducing water retention. So if your job requires you to stand all day, this would be great for your legs. I had confirmed with the brand that it’s not only great for the legs, it’s great for the whole body as a body lotion as well because it hydrates really nicely. I apply this at night and it keeps my skin hydrated, soft and smooth until the next day! One time, there was something wrong with my air con and I had to use this to stay cool and stay calm LOL. One thing though, if you have G6PD deficiency or varicose veins, this product won’t be suitable for you. If you pass by Hakme Beauty (addresses here), go and try out the cooling sensation; or you can shop online here.