一枝我自己非常之鍾意嘅眼霜,我諗我都用咗有五六年,喺YouTube久唔久都介紹過,但係我竟然冇為佢寫一個blog post,今日補返呢一枝收到我個一蚊眼袋嘅Esterel Eye Gel分享。
My favourite eye gel! I think I have been using this for 5-6 years and I talked about it from time to time on YouTube, however, I hadn’t done a blog post yet, so it’s time to do one about this amazing Esterel Eye Gel.
Esterel Soft Care Eye Gel HK$710/30ml LINK

想當年我第一次試呢枝眼霜嘅時候,係試喺手上面,搽完我覺得佢好快吸收之餘,我仲見到我手上面嘅紋唔見咗。 跟住我就嗱嗱聲叫Esterel俾枝我認真試上眼。試完三個星期,我即刻要入貨! 眼霜通常要用一段好長時間先見到有冇效果,呢枝嘢竟然可以係三個星期WOW到我,可想言之,佢效果有幾明顯。
When I first tried this eye gel, I tried it on the back of my hand. It was quick to absorb and I saw the lines on the back of my hand was gone, so I asked Esterel to urgently give me one to properly try on the eye areas. After 3 weeks, I decided to stock it in Hakme Beauty. Usually the testing period for eye products is very long, but this eye gel did WOW me with just 3 weeks, you can imagine how effective it is.
✅Tightens and Lifts
✅Fades Lines
✅Minimises Dark Circles

佢質感係輕身嘅啫喱狀,用好少已經推得好開,亦都超級快吸收。 吸完見到皮膚表面係平滑咗細緻咗保咗濕,但係完全冇油膩感亦冇肥笠笠嘅感覺。第一個星期用,搽咗上眼有拉拉緊嘅感覺,佢強效幫手收緊眼肚。 如果嗰日眼特別腫效果尤其明顯。 用咗三個星期,我覺得黑眼圈都淺埋,同埋唔再有乾紋嘅誕生,亦都因為佢有收緊效果,所以我用咗咁多年對眼都冇出過一條皺紋,連我出去做facial嘅時候,啲女仔都會好驚訝問我點解我對眼冇紋。Oh well,咪就係Esterel Eye Gel嘅威力囉。 佢保濕、緊緻、減紋同埋減黑眼圈效果都好顯著! 咁你話我係咪要嗱嗱聲帶佢入舖頭?
It’s a light gel texture, a little goes a long way. After absorption, skin is smooth, refined and hydrated. It doesn’t leave any grease behind. In the first week, I could feel the tightening effect on my eye areas and it’s very effective in minimising eye bags. For days that water retention might be a problem, the effect is even more obvious. After 3 weeks, I felt like my dark circles were lightened as well, plus, the fine lines due to dryness were gone. Thanks to its wonderful tightening effect, I never got any wrinkles around my eye areas. When I go to have my facial done, the girls were amazed that I didn’t have wrinkle around my eye areas. Oh well, thanks to the power of Esterel Eye Gel! I would say its hydrating, tightening and lifting, line minimising and dark circle lightening functions are all very effective! Now you can understand why I hurried this product into Hakme Beauty.
大家都知我成日都會試其他品牌嘅產品,因為我想帶更多option俾大家。每一次我轉用其他眼霜,兩三個禮拜後我都頂唔住要用返Esterel Eye Gel,原因係我發現我用用吓其他嘢嘅時候緊緻效果唔夠強勁,我個一蚊眼袋又會走出嚟say hi,個眼袋一走出嚟,我就覺得我好似未瞓醒,唔單止個樣好攰,連個腦都好似未醒咁,所以我又要用返Esterel Eye Gel幫我拉緊返啲眼位等我望落精神啲,對眼本身都已經唔大㗎啦,仲要俾個眼袋遮住,你話係咪要嗱嗱聲拉返大對眼?
You all know that I do try quite a bit of other products from other brands as well because I do want to bring more options to you. However, after I switch to another eye product for 2-3 weeks, I have to go back to Esterel Eye Gel. The reason is simple – if the tightening result is not strong, then my eye bags are coming out to say hi; and when that happens, I feel like I am half asleep all the time. And, I have to go back to Esterel Eye Gel to help me K.O. the eye bags. Well, my eyes are not big and imagine half of them are blocked by the eye bags! Oh god!! Not what I want LOL!
另外因為佢質感好輕盈冇乜油分,佢唔會搞到出油脂粒之餘,如果朝頭早使用嘅話,更加唔會令到你嘅睫毛液或者眼線筆溶開變熊貓眼,呢個亦都係點解我離唔開佢嘅原因。咁多年我都唔知用咗幾多枝,兜兜轉轉最愛都係佢。 而且佢性價比高,因為平日嘅眼霜都係15ml,而佢就有一倍嘅份量30ml,除返開好抵用。 如果你淨係想俾一次機會我舖頭嘅產品試吓係咪我哋講得咁好用,我非常建議你試呢一枝Eye Gel,我相信你唔會失望。 快啲過嚟我舖頭(黑咪店地址)試吓個質感,或者網購(撳呢條連結)都得。
Moreover, its texture is really light and it doesn’t contain much oil inside, it doesn’t create bumps around the areas. If you use it in the morning, it won’t “melt away” your mascara and eyeliner and turn you into a panda. These are also the reasons why I love it so much. I don’t even know how many bottles I have used up over the years, but it’s definitely my favourite. And price-wise, it’s good value, because eye products usually come in 15ml in the market, but this one comes in 30ml, a double of the size, so when you do the math, it’s value for money. Come to try it in the stores (addresses here) or order online (link here).