[保養] Estee Lauder Resilience Lift 瘦面之迷

好喇, 你地都知我超好瘦面/提升野啦(都話我最想就係瘦面)。基本上如果有品牌出瘦面/提升野我都唔會放過。 之前Estee Lauder出咗瘦面/提升產品, 我都去敗咗翻嚟(回顧按此)。 唔係我特別相信有野可以真係瘦到面, 只係我好奇佢地做到咩效果jer。 我記得我仲睇過有人話即用即瘦, 我心諗:”咁勁?如果係咁勁, 就唔會咁多人去打botox啦!”  如果你地之前有睇我video, 你都會見過我講呢個產品! 而家等我詳細咁講下個用後感先。

(English:  Right, you all know that I am obsessed with face slimming or lifting stuff (yea my biggest wish is to slim my face).  Actually, I have tried many face slimming or lifting products before and when Estee Lauder released a similar new product, I immediately hauled it (refresh memory).  I don’t particularly believe that anything can actually slim my face, I am just curious of what it can do.  I recalled that someone said it instantly slim her face after she uses it.  I thought, “right – if that’s so effective, I don’t think anyone would go for botox!!”  If you have watched my video before, you had seen me talking about this product.  Now let me do a detailed review.)

Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Instant Action Lift Treatment

價錢(Price):HK$450/ 30ml

Product Information:

“膚質更豐潤亮澤, 輪廓更緊緻分明.


(English: “For a more lifted, sculpted look on demand. 

Fast-acting treatment with CustomSculpt Technology; precisely targets and plumps areas most prone to sagging, for a younger look.)

佢有開關掣呀! 如果唔用就關左佢。

(English:  It has an on and off switch.  If you don’t use it, just twist it off.)

我係個video都有講用法, 想睇得清楚d點用, 可以參考我個video啦 –> 按此

(English:  I talked about how I would use this product in my previous video, if you want to understand more, please visit –> HERE)

使用次數(No. of Usage):40 times (around 1.5 months)

用後感:佢個膠嘅按摩位要小心d用, 要唧夠d精華出嚟先好拉上面呀, 唔係會”捽”住塊面呀, 一陣瘦唔到面仲拉左兩要紋出嚟就死喇。 佢d精華係杰杰地同透明嘅, 係面上按完之後就用手按下, 咁會好快吸收sa又唔會有路軌留係面上。  我覺得佢去水腫就唔錯, 通常我拉到最後個下, 我會覺得有反應。 過左十令分鐘塊面會無咁腫。 所以我通常都係朝早用。 無錯佢個效果都算幾即時, 但係就唔持久喇。 用佢個陣就會有效, 唔用就會打回原型。 我試過用用下停用, 咁就無咩效果lu。 如果你話瘦面呢, 我就覺得一d都唔係嗰回事。 提升呢都勉強講得通(去咗水腫都叫提升咗)。 去水腫呢就真係掂喇。 如果你係想去下面部嘅水腫都可以買呢隻呢用。 如果你問我覺唔覺得佢係雷品, 我又覺得唔係嘅, 朝早用下去下水腫等個面無咁包包, 佢呢點都好掂。 只係無其他人講到話即用即瘦咁勁jer。

(English:  After-use Comment:  Have to be careful to use the plastic “massage” thingie!!  Make sure you squeeze enough serum before putting it on face, otherwise, it would kinda stick with your skin when you pull it upwards – which is not good (you don’t want more fine lines pulling your skin like that).  The serum is quite solid in texture and transparent in color.  After using it on face, I massage with my hand as well to make sure it’s totally absorbed (quite fast) and there is no streak mark left on my skin.  It effectively reduce water retention and it only takes around 10 minutes to see the results, so I usually use it in the morning (when the water retention problem is the worst).  Well I could say the effect is quite instant but it’s not long-lasting.  I tried stop using it and my face was back to “normal”.  Talking about slimming face, I don’t think this product can do it!  Talking about lifting, well yea…I guess…since reducing water retention is a kind of lifting as well.  But talking about reducing water retention, this is actually a brilliant product.  If you are looking for something to reduce the water retention, you could definitely consider this one.  I don’t think this product is totally useless, it’s just not as “effective” (on the slimming aspect) as others claim.)
後話: 我都話啦, 真係唔好浪費金錢去買咩瘦面野。 好多都真係只係去到水腫, 唔會點真係瘦到面㗎。 如果有人講話用咩咩咩會瘦到面, 你都要諗下先丫!  我自己就覺得咁樣試落去都唔係辦法, 如果你真係好想瘦面嘅話, 不如去打Botox好過喇(係, 本小姐現在揾緊間好嘅又唔太貴嘅去打。 Research中~)。

(English:  Side-story:  See – don’t waste your money trying to locate the effective face slimming product.  Many can just reduce the water retention (nothing to do with actually slimming your face).  If you hear someone says blah blah blah can really slim your face, you have to beware *laughs*.  If you really want to slim your face, have Botox injection instead (hmmm…yes yes yes…I am trying to locate a good clinic with a friendly price tag to get my Botox done *researching*.)(the above product information is extracted from http://www.esteelauder.com.hk)

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