[保養] 最愛潤咀膏 ♥ 雪花秀 Essential Lip Care

之前我講過雪花秀既潤咀膏(回顧按此),我講過話佢真係我既大愛! 正因為我咁愛佢, 所以我日日用,亦都用完好耐喇。可惜既係,唔知點解雪花秀唔再出呢隻潤咀膏,搞到我想買都無得買。 佢之後出左另外一隻瘦瘦長長樣既潤咀膏,佢一出個陣話一買要買三枝(一枝無色兩枝有色),咁我未用過唔知同舊版有咩唔同,同埋一買買三枝真係太誇張,所以我放棄咗!! 咁之前我去雪花秀買野,我就問下BA新版同舊版有咩唔同,BA亦都好nice俾我試上咀感受下,最正既係佢同我講而家可以單枝買喇,所以我就即敗枝返去試下:

(English: I did review Sulwhasoo Lumitouch Lip Care previously (refresh memory) and
I have shown a lot of love to the product since then! As I was
completely obsessed with the product, I used it everyday and I ran out
long time ago. Sadly, it was taken out of the production line and I
couldn’t get my hands on it anymore. Sulwhasoo released a new slender
looking lip balm. When it was first released into the market, you could
only get it in a set of 3 (1 colorless, 1 pink and 1 peach). Since I
didn’t know the difference between the old and the new versions, I
wasn’t convinced to get the set of 3. Well, you could see in my
previous haul video that I went to Sulwhasoo to get the Clarifying Mask,
so I asked the BA the difference between the old and the new. Guess
what? The BA was nice enough to let me put it on my lips to get a
general feeling. The most important bit was that I could get it along,
instead of the set of 3. The rest is history and here we go now:)

Sulwhasoo Essential Lip Care 
No. 1 Apricot

價錢(Price):HK$300/ 15ml




使用次數(No. of Usage):2 weeks

用後感:新版真係用新配方呀!! 新版同舊版真係有唔同。新版個質地係比舊版薄少少,潤得黎一d痴咀同笠咀既感覺都無。 加上佢個滋潤效果好持久,我多數都只係需要食完lunch/ dinner先補搽少少。 好正呀!! 同埋我個得佢仲掂左佢持久得黎唔會令我個咀有白邊(好尷尬丫)!!好愛呀!! 我之前買唔翻佢就用咗其他潤咀膏,有兩三隻都唔錯,但係我覺得都係同雪花秀既無得比!! 你地知啦,我個咀好奇丫,有時唔知用左咩會敏感,用翻雪花秀我覺得我無咁易起敏感,同埋個咀真喺少咗好多紋呀!! 超正呀!! 我鍾意新版多d,因為佢真係無咁笠咀,平時搽完佢搽lipstick都無問題,同埋我覺得新版去紋效果好好。 雖然有人覺得我用甘貴既潤咀膏好癲(真係有人話我丫),但係我就覺得我成世人用咁多款潤咀膏,雪花秀呢隻真係無得頂同埋又改善到咀紋個情況,貴就貴d,但係物有所值,同埋一枝都用到好一段時間!! 我會照買照用!!唔洗問啦,我一定會keep住回購!!太掂喇!! 如果你個咀同我一樣咁麻煩或者你想改善咀紋個情況,我超推呢個產品俾你呀!!! 一定要試!!!

(English: Product Review: The new version does use a new formula
and it definitely feels different than the old. The texture of the new
one is a bit thinner, still very moisturizing but without feeling heavy
and sticky on lips. Plus, its moisturizing effect is super
long-lasting, I only need to reply right after lunch/ dinner.
Brilliant!! Also, it doesn’t create a white line on the lips (very
embarrassing)!!! I am in love!! In between of getting this new version
and using up the old version, I had used other lip balms, some are
quite good but they aren’t going to be comparable to this Sulwhasoo
Essential Lip Care!! As you all know, my lips are probably the
strangest part out of my body as they do get allergic from time to time.
I feel that the allergic reaction frequency is less after I start
using this lip care! And the best part is that it helps me to remove
the lines on my lips!!! Freaking amazing!!! I love the new version
better because of its thinner texture and I can apply lipstick without
any worries. Also, I feel that the new version does help to make the
fine lines disappear. Even though many people comment that I am a bit
crazy to use such an expensive lip balms, I can say that out of my whole
life, I truly feel that Sulwhasoo Essential Lip Care is the one. Right,
it’s not cheap, but it’s definitely worth the money and it should last
for awhile (considering that you don’t have to use much each time)!! I
will keep using it and buying it and using it (yea I love it that
much!!). It’s simply amazing!! If your lips are as difficult as mine
or you want to remove your fine lines on lips, I highly highly HIGHLY
recommend this product to you!! It’s a must-have item!!)



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