旅行化妝輕便之選: 日本Esprique Mellow Feeling Eyes No. 003 Moon Emotion

因為可以開始去旅行,所以特別有心情扮靚啲。 我去旅行鍾意travel light,所以我特別鍾意用一盒四個色嗰啲眼影組,貪佢唔阻位置之餘仲夠方便。 雖然市面上四色眼影組嘅選擇非常之多,但係要一盒實現晒我所有願望其實都唔容易搵。 尋日行過 @cosme 見到日本品牌Esprique呢一盒限量Mellow Feeling Eyes No.003 Moon Emotion應該有齊我需要,所以我就入咗手諗住三月帶去英國用,而家同大家試咗色先。

Since we can travel now, my mood has been lifted up tremendously.  I love travelling light, so I am particularly fond of those eyeshadow quads because they are not taking up too much space and they are convenient to use.  Though there are many quads to choose from in the market, it still not easy to find one which can fulfil all my wishes.  Yesterday I passed by @cosme and I saw this Esprique Mellow Feeling Eyes 003 Moon Emotion (Limited Edition), I thought this might just be what I needed, so I got my hands on it.  I will bring it to U.K. with me in March but now let me swatch the colours for you first.

Esprique Mellow Feeling Eyes No.003 Moon Emotion HK$200


究竟一盒四色眼影要有啲咩元素先可以實現晒我嘅願望? 第一,我想佢係同一個色tone,唔好無端端有個古怪顏色唔知點用。 第二,一定要有個深色可以放喺眼摺位做輪廓加深。 第三,要有兩個比較淺嘅顏色可以打底或者做layering。 第四,想有一個白底閃粉嘅顏色可以做光影或者打亮眉骨位置,咁就可以慳返啲位連highlighter都唔需要帶。 

What am I looking for in an eyeshadow quad?  Firstly, I want it to be totally coherent in the colour tone, I really don’t like that odd one out.  Secondly, I want it to come with a darker shade so that I could add the intensity.  Thirdly, there are two lighter shades that I can use as a base colour or as layering.  Fourthly, a white base shimmery shade which can be used as highlight, then I don’t even need to bring another highlighter.

聽我咁樣講完再望吓Esprique呢一盒眼影,你話係咪實現晒我咁多個願望先? 佢另外仲有兩個顏色選擇,不過我都係鍾意啡金系列多啲,容易用又易襯,唔洗諗。 Esprique嘅粉底我之前有用過,反而眼影都係第一次試。 我覺得佢粉質非常幼細,好出色(圖中係畫咗一至兩下嘅顏色),閃底得嚟有3D感但係唔浮誇! 我預計呢一盒眼影會同我遊走唔同國家。 我見佢話限量,所以嗱嗱聲試咗色俾你睇先,如果你都搵緊呢一類嘅細盒眼影,你都快啲去望吓! 唔係一陣間sold out過後又冇艇搭。

After hearing my wishes, I think you would agree with me that this quad from Esprique seems to be the perfect solution.  It also comes in other two colour combination, but I find the brown and gold shades go with my skin tone more, so I settled for no. 003.  Interestingly, it’s my first time to try Esprique’s eyeshadows, I find the powder finely milled and pigmented (only 1-2 strokes to give the colour intensity in the photos).  It gives a nice shimmer effect which adds more dimension to the eyes rather than being over the top.  I have a feeling that this quad will travel quite a bit with me going forward.  If you are looking for something similar, please hurry and check it out since it’s said to be a limited edition.  

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