韓國espoir Fabulous Blush: Funky

前兩日講完佢既眼影,今日講下佢既胭脂。 都係韓國買,都係唔記得幾多錢。 仲有,如果你miss咗我上年個韓國之旅video,你可以睇翻呢條link,因為我create咗個playlist group埋哂佢地一齊,咁你地睇會方便d啦。

(English:  I talked about its eyeshadows a couple days ago and today we are moving onto its blush.  Yep, I got it from Korea and yep I can’t remember the price.  Also, if you have missed my previous Korean trip videos, you can visit this link, as I have created a playlist and group everything related to Korea together, so that you might find it a bit easier to locate and watch.)

espoir Fabulous Blush

Color: Funky


一個無閃粉望落好韓妹既顏色。 我覺得粉質都幼同滑,但係上色度無佢眼影咁好。 我畫咗好幾下先出圖個顏色,有好有唔好啦。佢無咁出色,效果係面度會自然d,唔夠先加。 但係如果你話你係想要好sharp胭脂顏色既話,咁就要加好多下喇。 呢款我唔係好特別建議大家一定要買,因為我唔覺得好特別,亦唔算上面特別靚同好用。 佢唔雷既,不過我唔覺得大家一定要買咁解。 我覺得可以skip~

(English:  A very Korean non-shimmery blush colour.  Yes the powder is fine and smooth to touch but the pigmentation is not as good as the eyeshadow.  It takes me a few strokes to get the intensity in the picture and there is a good and bad side to it.  The good side is that it looks rather natural on skin and if you want more, you add more, nothing goes wrong.  However, if you are looking for something quite sharp and eye catching on your cheeks, then you need to add quite a few strokes to get to where you want.  For this, I don’t highly recommend you to get one because I don’t think it’s anything too special.  I don’t think it looks too stunning on the cheeks.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that it’s rubbish, but I just don’t see any special thing about this blush to the point that I have to urge you to get one.  I think you can definitely skip this when you go to Korea~~~)

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