[化妝] 韓國espoir藍精靈三色眼影組

之前係video度分享過我去韓國espoir敗咗咩啦(回顧按此)。 今日先私心分享下藍精靈既三色眼影組先。 其實我都唔知你去既時候會唔會仲買到,因為我去個陣好多間已經係斷貨,係我好好彩行另一間先見到呢盒有貨(其他同系列產品都係斷貨)! 所以如果你去某一間唔見有,唔好放棄,行下第二間可能會有架!!

(English:  I have already talked about my haul from Korea in a few of my videos (refresh here).  Today I want to share my thoughts on this Smurfs Edition Eyeshadow Trio.  I am not sure if it’s still available by the time you go there, because many were out of stock when I went.  I was quite lucky to find this in one of the stores (well the other items were sold out)!  If you can’t see it in one of the stores, remember to check out other espoir store because they might have it!)


espoir La La La Smurfs Eyeshadow Trio

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包裝好靚好得意呀!! 有藍精靈d頭丫~~

(English:  I love the packaging, it’s fun and cute!!!  I love the Smurfs icons!!)

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(English:  The colors are practical (nothing very exciting) and they are more on the girly side.  The one on the far left is shimmery while the other two colors are matte.)


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使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:好老實講,買佢係因為佢同藍精靈有關,唔係我應該係唔會入手。 我覺得顏色大路! 出色度唔錯(上面圖無打底,畫兩下出黎既效果), 閃個隻色俾無閃個兩隻出色d! 粉質都幼細同埋就算閃個隻d閃粉都唔大粒。 唯一一樣野我覺得麻麻係個我嫌個啡色淺左少少, 如果深多兩度就可以做到有層次感既眼妝或者當眼線。 因為個啡唔夠深,做眼摺位有無咩加深效果,做眼窩都OK,但係要自己另外配隻深啡丫搽眼摺! 係呢點我覺得一般,其他野我都覺得唔錯既。 值唔值得買? 要睇下你有幾鍾意藍精靈喇。 如果你好愛,咁我覺得都OK既,當係有得用既童年回憶。 但係如果你話你都唔係好愛,想真係揾眼影組既話,我又覺得呢盒唔算perfect!

(English:  Product Review:  Honestly, I bought this because I love The Smurfs, if not, I probably wouldn’t even have picked it up!  The colors are on the practical side.  The pigmentation is nice (I didn’t use any primer in my photos and they are the results of 2 strokes), the shimmery one is definitely more pigmented than the matte ones!  The powder is fine and even for the shimmery color, the shimmer doesn’t feel rough.  The only thing I think is so-so is that the brown could be of a deeper brown.  If it’s two shades deeper, it would be fantastic because then the eye makeup would have a bit more definition and layering or could be used an eye liner!  Since the brown is not deep, it doesn’t add the depth when applied on the double lid area.  It’s nice for a hollow effect on the lids, but if you want to create more depth, then you will need to find another deeper brown.  Yes this is the only complain I got.  Is it worth to buy?  I would say it really depends on how much you love The Smurfs, if you do, then yes it’s a collector’s item and you can have a bit fun of the pink.  But if not, and you are more focused on the technicality of an eyeshadow palette, then this one is not the one.)

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