Epionce Renewal Facial Cream 美肌再生面霜

自從玫瑰痤瘡後,大家好常聽到我分享Epionce品牌既產品,原因好簡單,我好鬼多野唔用得,所以揾到用得既產品都非常開心啦! 大家唔好誤會呢個美肌再生面霜淨係玫瑰痤瘡先用得喎,如果你係好敏感皮膚(只要你無對入面成份敏感)或者你皮膚乾想揾滋潤型抗老野都啱㗎! 之前係影片都有講過,不過都要寫下文先夠認真!

(English:  Since I was diagnosed with Rosacea, you have been hearing me talking about Epionce products quite a bit, the reason is really simple!  It’s because there are so many things I can’t use, so when I come across something that doesn’t irritate my skin, they do deserve a good mention!  Don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to have Rosacea to use this Epionce Renewal Facial Cream, if you have very sensitive skin (and you are not allergic to any ingredients inside) or you have dry skin and you want some anti-aging products with richer texture, this could interest you as well!  I have talked about this in one of my videos, but of course I have to do a blog post as well!)


Epionce Renewal Facial Cream HK$1,000/50g (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)


呢個Epionce美肌再生面霜望落好似好厚,其實係好推得開。 一推開個陣聞到酸酸哋嘅味道,唔洗擔心,只係蘋果提取物嘅味道。 我初初用個陣都有d驚,但係用落見塊面無紅無熱無爆粒粒就完全安心! 佢都易吸收,但係吸完佢會有少少痴手同埋塊面望會令令哋。 我淨係夜晚先用呢個面霜而我皮膚又好乾,所以我無問題。 佢既滋潤感可以last到去第二日,我瞓醒皮膚好滑,有光澤感,同埋無咩乾紋。 用落仲覺得佢提升到皮膚既彈力添! 我俾玫瑰痤瘡搞到好鬼乾,額頭乾到有紋,用完佢一星期,d紋淺咗唔少。 所以我覺得佢好正! 正既原因唔單只係用左佢玫瑰痤瘡無惡化,佢仲有滋潤抗老效果。 好多我用得既野都淨係保濕,但係我唔想因為玫瑰痤瘡而搞到皮膚老化啦,所以點解我咁推薦呢個產品!  就係我用得之餘仲有抗老效果!!  我覺得呢個乾肌,玫瑰痤瘡同埋好敏感皮膚用都好正,大家如果搵緊抗老面霜既話,可以認真考慮呢個! 另外如果你係油肌既話而你又對呢個面霜有興趣不過覺得太厚身,你可以揀Epionce輕柔美肌再生乳液, 混合肌就可以揀美肌再生乳液!得閒過去舖頭玩下個質感丫!

(English:  This Epionce Renewal Facial Cream looks a bit balmy, but it spreads out quite nicely.  During spreading, you could smell a scent of sourness, don’t worry, it’s the scent from the Apple Fruit Extract inside.  At first, I was very concerned as well, however, after application, my skin wasn’t irritated nor hot nor red, and I was like “great!”  It’s quite easy to absorb but it would leave skin a bit sticky and glowy.  I only use this at night and my skin is really dry, so I am fine with the residue and the glow.  The moisturising effect lasts till the next day, when I wake up, skin becomes smooth, radiant and the fine lines are gone.  After using it for awhile, I feel that my skin is firm and bouncy!  Indeed, Rosacea makes my skin so dry to the point that there are lines coming out from my forehead.  I use this for a week, and the lines fade nicely, that’s why I give this a big thumbs-up!  This is amazing not only because it doesn’t worse off my Rosacea conditions, it also has moisturising and anti-aging functions.  Out of the many skincare items that I can use, almost all of them are hydrating products, I am lacking in the anti-aging department.  Rosacea is bad enough and I don’t want my skin to age at the same time, that’s why I highly recommend Epionce’s products.  I think this is perfect for dry skin, Rosacea and super sensitive skin types.  If you are looking for an anti-aging face cream, seriously give this one a thought!  Also if you have oily skin and you are somehow interested in what this cream can offer but this is definitely too rich for you, you can choose Epionce Renewal Lite Facial Lotion instead; if you have combination skin, you can choose their Renewal Facial Lotion!  Come by the stores to have a play around!)

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