Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser

近期返咗好多唔同產品,等我慢慢講。 黎緊春夏,大家應該都步向清爽啦,所以我今日想先同大家分享呢枝Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser。 雖然佢都有好多粉絲,但係我地都一齊望一望丫!

(English:  We have launched many new products these days and let me go through them with you one by one.  For upcoming Spring and Summer time, I believe most of us would prefer something quite light, so today I want to share my thoughts on this Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser with you.  Though it has many of its own fans, let us still take a closer look!)

Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser HK$370/170ml (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)


呢枝係Mr Honey既新寵! 因為佢係gel狀,質地好清爽,而且佢入面有薄荷,所以用起上黎好清新同醒神!佢啱有皮膚症狀例如濕疹,牛皮癬,油性皮膚,痘痘肌,什至乎皮膚冇咩問題既朋友。我有玫瑰痤瘡都有用呀! 有時塊面熱熱地,我就用佢,貪佢真係好鬼清涼麻! 洗完隔一陣都仲涼呀,所以好舒服! 我皮膚乾用佢都無覺得特別乾!所以呢,我覺得佢洗得乾淨但係唔會乾! 油肌痘痘肌用都好正,因為佢可以洗走油感同埋可以疏通毛孔,佢既消炎殺菌功效仲幫到手KO痘痘添呀!皮膚有發炎問題都適用。佢可以落一般防曬/超淡妝(例如礦物粉),如果你化full makeup,都係另外用卸妝野比較好!洗完又滑又明亮呀!仲有佢仲拎咗美國美容界權威雜誌New Beauty Beauty Choice Award美容之選大賞潻。想轉清爽洗面產品,絕對可以留意下! 如果想買洗面產品比另一半既話,我都好建議呢一枝! 睇Mr Honey咁鍾意我就好有信心!! 哈哈~~

(English:  This is Mr Honey’s new favourite!  Since it’s of a gel texture, it’s super light weight, plus it has menthol inside, so when you wash your face, you will feel a cooling sensation, it’s refreshing and awakening!  It’s suitable for many different skin types like Eczema, Psoriasis, oily skin, acne skin and even skin without any concern.  Many of you know that I have Rosacea, I use this from time to time too!  When my skin feels hot, I would use this because its cooling function is amazing, I would feel like even after 2 minutes!  It’s soothing somewhat!  I do have dry skin but my skin doesn’t become more dry after using this, so I can confirm that this cleanses well without drying your skin out.  It works wonder on oily skin and acne skin as well because it can clear the oil and unclogging pore, its anti-inflammatory and anti-bactieral function would help to minimise the pimples quicker!  You can use this if you have skin inflammation too!  It can remover sunscreen and super like makeup (like mineral powder).  If you wear full makeup, I would recommend you using another makeup remover to remove your makeup first!  Skin is bright and smooth after using this!  It also received the New Beauty Beauty Choice Award!  If you are looking for a light cleanser, you could check this out!  Oh, if you are looking for a cleanser for your another half, I would recommend this as well judging by how much Mr Honey loves it!)

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