Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream 甩皮膏

成日都聽到好多朋友講話皮膚好乾,無論係春夏秋冬皮膚都係乾到甩皮! 我今日想同大家分享下Epionce既甩皮膏,因為我玫瑰痤瘡都好乾,我都係用佢!

(English:  Many people have told me that skin is really dry and no matter what season it is, skin is still flaky!  So today I want to share my thoughts on this Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream with you because with Rosacea, my skin is super dry and I rely on this a lot!)


Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream HK$1,200/50g (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream

Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream


Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream

Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream

Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream

一打開既時候聞到酸酸哋既氣味,唔洗擔心,佢入面有蘋果complex,所以個味係酸酸哋咁! 佢質地比較杰身,所以坊間都會叫佢做豬油膏,但係我覺得個名會令人覺得好笠同埋唔吸收,所以我反而鍾意叫佢做甩皮膏多啲!佢就係俾連用油都覺得唔夠既朋友用,如果你乾到甩皮或者覺得皮膚好鞋好拉緊,連用油都改善唔到乾呢個問題既話,你可以睇下呢款! 佢好杰身,但係上面推得好開,同埋都吸收! 當然啦,搽完會有油光,因為要保護皮膚表層,所以佢絕對唔係清爽。 但係佢唔會塞毛孔,皮膚亦唔會覺得透唔到氣。 佢可以保濕滋潤皮膚,亦可以提高皮膚緊緻度同埋彈性。 我用佢之前會用保濕精華打底,之後就搽佢去瞓。 第二日起身皮膚無覺得乾到好痛苦同埋我覺得皮膚有番少少光澤感! 最正既係,甩皮既位置用多幾次真係好翻好多! 我去英國個陣都係用呢個做晚霜,個幾日都無乾到成面甩皮,所以去Europe都頂得住!! 正!! 呢個面霜簡直係我既救星!! 我一覺得皮膚超乾既日子,我都會用佢。用既份量都唔洗多,所以一jar有排用!! 如果你皮膚都乾到好難受既話,我好建議你試下佢!! 用完幾日皮膚會無咁鞋同埋滑翻少少架!!

(English:  It smells kinda sour when you open the jar, but no worries, the scent comes from the Apple Complex inside!  Its texture looks very thick, so some people call it a balm.  But in order not to mislead you to think that it doesn’t get absorbed, I’d like to call it “Flaky Skin Cream” instead!  It’s for people who have tried using facial oil but don’t think it helps with their issue.  If you have flaky skin, or skin is so dry to the point that it gets rough or tight, and you have been using facial oil for awhile and the problem is still there, you can give this one a go!  The texture is thick, but it’s spreadable on skin and it gets absorbed.  Of course, after application, your skin would look a bit “shiny”, this is because it needs to leave something to protect the upper layer o the skin, so it won’t be light weight.  With that being said, it doesn’t clog pores nor make your skin not breathable!  It can hydrate and moisturise skin, it can also firm and increase the elasticity of skin.  I usually use a hydrating serum underneath, then I use this cream on top and then go to bed!  The next day, skin is definitely less dry and it has a slight glow!  The most amazing thing is that the flaky bits look less flaky!!  When I went to the U.K., I used this as a night cream and for those few days, I didn’t have too much issue with dry skin though the weather was really dry!  So if you are in Europe, it would work for you as well!  Brilliant!!  This cream is my must-have!  Whenever I feel that my skin is dry, I would use this.  You don’t need to use much too, so it would last quite awhile!  If you have dry skin issue, I would highly recommend you to try!  After a few days, you will see that skin feels smoother to touch!!)

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