Epionce Enriched Firming Mask

上兩個星期我都同大家係YouTube分享咗一個我患有玫瑰痤瘡後大愛既一個品牌:Epionce。 大愛既程度都要搬埋佢入黑咪店,可想而知有幾愛。 呢個喺美國醫生品牌,有玫瑰痤瘡後,有好多產品都唔用得,唔係產品既問題,而係皮膚好唔穩定,所以有好多產品搽完都會發熱發紅。 但係我試過Epionce咁多產品,我都全部無事! 所以我覺得好值得推介比大家!其中呢枝Enriched Firming Mask,我覺得好多人都用得,都會見到效果。 一齊望下丫:

(English:  I have talked about a brand, Epionce, which quickly became my favourite after I was diagnosed with Rosacea on YouTube. I love them so much that I need to bring them to Hakme Beauty and introduce them to more people.  You can imagine how much I love them, right?  This is a doctor brand from USA.  Since I have Rosacea, there are so many products which I cannot use, that doesn’t mean that the products are bad, it just simply means that my skin is not stable, so many products would make my skin hot or red.  However, I have tried so many Epionce products and they are all fine on me!  So I really think they worth some mention!  One of the star products is their Enriched Firming Mask, I think many people could be benefited from the results and let’s take a closer look!)

Epionce Enriched Firming Mask HK$580/ 75ml (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Epionce Enriched Firming Mask


Epionce Enriched Firming Mask

Epionce Enriched Firming Mask

Epionce Enriched Firming Mask

呢枝面膜無論你係乾性,中性,油性,敏感肌,玫瑰痤瘡,濕疹,做完醫美療程,準媽媽全部都啱用。佢主要係保濕降紅舒緩,保濕基本上人人都要啦,!佢嘅質地係挺身gel狀,薄薄地敷5-10分鐘過水搞掂,好補水之餘過完水皮膚摸落又滑又漲卜卜,一d都唔笠。如果面紅,佢又可以降紅。乾既寶寶仲可以敷過夜(淨敷呢個去瞓),油肌我唔建議啦!  我用多幾次更加發現佢令皮膚彈手,緊緻度都提升左少少。 做完醫美(例如係激光,peeling呢d療程)第一個星期係黃金保養期,絕對唔可以懶保養。 喺呢一個星期保濕係非常重要,如果保濕唔夠,皮膚會乾,再唔理既話就會敏感喇。 所以我做完光學療程頭幾日我都一定會敷呢個面膜,佢唔刺激又補水又有舒緩,所以好啱係呢d療程之後用,我so far做咗三次光學療程都係密集式用佢,我完全無敏感!  呢個mask價錢較高,所以我通常都間住Loveisderma B5 Gelly Masque咁用。 做完光學療程頭一星期用呢個,之後日子拎Loveisderma粗用。Loveisderma補水好強亦有降紅,佢係無緊緻啫,但係我又唔洗日日都緊緻啦! 所以我覺得兩隻輪住用個效果都非常好!呢兩隻我都非常推介,如果你揾緊保濕舒緩面膜既話,呢兩隻都好值得你試呀!當然啦,你皮膚無咩問題都用得! 佢地保濕㗎麻!

(English:  This is great for dry skin, combination skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, rosacea, eczema, right after light therapy or peeling, pregnant ladies!  Its main function is for hydrating, calming and reducing redness.  Hydrating is a must for everyone!  Its texture is a thick gel, apply a thin layer on cleansed skin and wait for 5-10 mins before rinsing off.  After rinsing off, I can tell the skin is hydrated, smooth to touch and plumped up!  It’s not heavy at all and you won’t find a residue layer on skin.  It can be used to calm skin redness as well.  If you have super dry skin, you can use this as a sleeping mask (only apply this and then go to sleep), but if you have oily skin, I wouldn’t recommend this method.  After a few times’ usage, I find that it offers a bit of a firming function.  Skin looks more firmed up.  If you are undergoing light therapy, laser, peeling treatment, the first week is the golden week for hydrating your skin.  Please don’t be lazy in the first week because if skin doesn’t have enough hydration, it will become more dry and extreme dryness will lead to irritated skin.  Therefore, I must use this mask for a week right after my light therapy.  This is gentle, hydrating and calming, so it’s perfect to use after these treatments.  So far, I had done 3 times of light therapy and I use this for a week every single time, my skin is not irritated in anyway!  This mask is on the higher end side, so I usually alternate it with Loveisderma B5 Gelly Masque.  The first week after light therapy, I would use this mask constantly, then after that, I would use Loveisderma mask because it’s more affordable.  It still hydrates well and calming, the only function that it’s missing is firming.  Well, I don’t need to firm my skin every day, so I find alternating them suits my needs really well and I am happy with the results every time!  I highly recommend both masks!  If you are looking for something hydrating and calming, both are worth your while.  Of course, if you don’t have any skin issues, you can use them too.  They will hydrate your skin brilliantly!)

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