Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50

好多唔係好化妝既朋友,所以會想揾一d類似BB Cream既產品,貪方便,可以防曬均勻膚色一take過! 今日同大家介紹一下Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50有色防曬吖,呢個應該都好啱大家需要!

(English:  Many people who don’t really like to put on full makeup would always want to opt for something like a BB cream.  It’s convenient when it comes to sunscreen and light base makeup 2 in 1!  Today I want to talk about Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50, because I think it would suit many of your taste!)

Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50 HK$480/50ml (link)
Available at Hakme Beauty (Store Address)

Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50


Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50

Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50

Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF50

Epionce屬於醫美品牌,佢呢枝防曬係物理性(Zinc Oxide 9.3% Titanium Dioxide 4.5%)。 佢質地唧出黎有少少mousse狀,好易推得開,感覺上比較潤身。 所以我只建議乾肌用,如果有油既朋友有機會覺得太厚。 乾肌上面感覺潤,但係啱啱好,唔會好痴手或者覺得好笠。 唔想痴塵既話可以on top加少少碎粉! 佢話就話可以做打底霜,但係我唔建議,因為再加粉底感覺會好厚身! 所以我覺得只啱你唔會化全妝,只係想均勻膚色! 搽完個finish係靚,因為有色防曬黎講,我覺得佢遮暇度好唔錯,d紋即刻無咁明顯同埋面紅都遮到唔覺眼! 最正係皮膚望落好細緻,呢點好值得讚! 而且佢又潤身,所以過咗一日都唔會覺得乾!佢仲有80分鐘防水防汗功能,好適合運動嗰陣用! 而且佢有植物性抗炎配方, 可以幫手抗氧化同埋預防破壞性炎症。 敏感皮膚同埋玫瑰痤瘡都用!得如果你地揾緊乾肌啱用既有色防曬,可以去望下呢枝!

(English:  Epionce is a doctor brand and this sunblock is a physical one (Zkin Oxide 9.3% Titanium Dioxide 4.5%).  The texture looks a bit like mousse when you just squeeze from the tube, it’s easy to spread but it’s more of a solid texture, so I would only suggest this to people with dry skin.  If you have oil secretion, you probably would find this too thick.  When I apply this on my dry skin, I find the texture is just right, not too sticky and not too heavy.  If you don’t want your face to gather dust and dirt, I would suggest use a setting powder on top!  It says it can be used as a makeup base but I wouldn’t suggest it because it would be way too heavy together with a foundation!  So I think it would be only perfect for those who don’t like to apply full makeup and are just looking for something to even out skin tone!  The finish is wonderful!  For a sunblock, I think the coverage is nice because my lines vanish and also my redness is less obvious!  The most amazing thing is that the skin looks so refined after use!  Also it’s quite moisturising in nature, so I could wear this for the whole day without feeling dryness on my skin!  Moreover, it has 80 mins water resistant, it’s suitable for workout!  It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, it’s good for sensitive and rosacea skin types!  If you are looking a tinted sunblock for dry skin, you might want to check this one out!)


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