End of Year Best Purchase – Nike Air Max 90

End of Year Best Purchase – Nike Air Max 90

如果你有看Vlogmas,你應該記得我在12月的時候實在過份沉悶,所以走去買球鞋。 我對球鞋沒有研究亦沒有追求,只要樣子美觀舒服就好,因為球鞋是我有需要走路走很久的時候才穿。 那天去到Gigasport,看到這雙Nike Air Max 90,覺得它外型襯色都有點像其他大牌,就問店員這對如果走路走很久舒不舒服。 店員非常老實回答穿了三次之後會非常舒服,那我就決定帶它回家試一試。

If you watched my Vlogmas, you probably remember I was bored to death in December and I went to buy some trainers. My requirements are quite basic for trainers – they look nice and are comfortable. That’s it! I only intend to wear them when I have to walk a lot. That day, I arrived at Gigasport and saw this pair of Nike Air Max 90, I thought they reminded me of some other big brands, so I asked the sales person if they are suitable for long walks and if they are comfortable. He replied honestly that after 3 times’ wear, they would become super comfortable. That was when I decided to give them a go.

Jumper: Isabel Marant Etoile Ivan Cotton-blend Sweater (link)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton (link)
Shoes: Nike Air Max 90
Bag: Louis Vuitton Palm Springs Mini

店員沒騙我! 真的穿了三次之後變得超好穿!! 頭三次其實都沒太大問題,只是右腳後跟有少少頂著。 沒有刮傷也沒有血案水泡之類, 就只是少少的不舒服但也不影響走路。 但穿三次之後,就真的好好穿! 走很久也不會痛不會累!!

He didn’t lie to me! After wearing them for 3 times, they do become soooooo comfortable! Actually, for the first 3 times, there wasn’t any major discomfort. It was just that it scratched a bit on the back of my right foot, there wasn’t blood or blister or anything like that, it was just that tiny bit of discomfort but it didn’t affect my walking. Magic happened after 3 times’ wear though, they became super comfortable! Even walking in them for a long time and my legs are not tired!!

店長起初看到我穿這雙鞋,她還以為是CC的,看到後面寫著Nike,她才問我究竟哪裡買好不好穿等等! 哈哈~~又騙到了她!! 這雙Nike Air Max 90在非常短的時間內成為了我2020裡的一個Best Buy! 算是驚喜之作~ 現在一要外出的話,我都會想穿這雙! 這就是大愛的表現! 我超級推薦有興趣的你們快點去看看,有些你們說在Nike官網找不到。 我建議大家到Gigasport看看,我在那邊買的。 價錢HK$849。

The Shop Manager first saw my Nike and thought they were from CC, then she realised the words Nike on the back and she started inquiring about them. Well, I like things that look more expensive than they are! Honestly these pair of Nike Air Max 90 has quickly become one of my best buys in 2020! Surprise, surprise! Now, whenever I want to head out, I want to wear them. It’s a sign of true love LOL! I highly recommend you to go check them out if you are interested. Some of you said you couldn’t find them on Nike’s official website. Drop by Gigisport next time, I got mine from there and the price was HK$849.

如果你們都買了的話,記緊跟我分享啊! 好啦,今天分享到此! 祝大家新年快樂,開開心心,身體健康!

If you got them, do share pictures with me! Right, that’s it for today and wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year of 2021!

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