濕疹適用: Tatcha Indigo Body Butter

早前入手咗Tatcha蓼藍舒緩修護身體潤膚霜,有啲你哋都問我究竟好唔好用,見到佢藍色好似好特別咁,係咪真係啱濕疹或者敏感肌用。 我好認真試嘅時候係夏天,我試到咁上下就收埋咗,秋冬再拎出嚟用多幾次確定一下,今日可以同大家分享用後感喇~

I bought this Tatcha Indigo Soothing Body Butter awhile back and a few of you asked if it’s good and if it’s really good enough for eczema and sensitive skin. I tried it in the summer and then I put it away. I have been re-testing it again during this autumn/ winter, now the review is coming your way~

Tatcha蓼藍舒緩修護身體潤膚霜 LINK
Indigo Soothing Body Butter HK$420/200ml



This rich body moisturizer hydrates and soothes even the most sensitive, irritated skin with calming Japanese indigo and naturally therapeutic ingredients.


正常嚟講係唔洗買咁貴嘅body cream,除非佢有啲特別功效,或者氣味好好,又或者係質感無敵啦。 但係當隻腳有濕疹,就會係另外一個story,好多野唔啱用,又或者好多野搽完都痕嘅時候,咁要認真地試下邊啲得邊啲唔得,價錢就唔再係第一考慮範圍。 Tatcha蓼藍舒緩修護身體潤膚霜話濕疹,敏感,曾接受任何激光療程或者脫毛療程都可以用,因為除咗保濕之外仲可以修復! 我試嗰陣係夏天,濕疹都比較痕。 質感嚟講都真係幾潤下。 推得好開,亦都好快吸收,吸完皮膚有少少油光係面,但係未至於去到好笠好唔舒服。 不過可以肯定既係你會feel到有層野同埋係搽咗野,表面摸落都滑唔痴手嗰種。

濕疹位搽咗佢,真係可以唔痕頂到去第二日喎! 同埋我身無再出敏感粒粒,所以我覺得佢都好good,保濕,舒緩同修復呢幾個功效我都見到! 皮膚第二日摸落都好鬼滑! 唯一一樣野係我直覺話我知好多你哋應該會唔慣會覺得笠。 因為我夏天用佢嚟搽身其他位置嘅時候,我都覺得如果佢可以薄少少就真係無敵;所以點解我用用下又收起左,而家秋冬先再用! 我呢期再用佢就覺得啱啱好!!! 嗱,我覺得如果你身體有位置有敏感/濕疹係可以試, 如果你想慳啲或者怕厚咗少少既話,你可以用佢齋搽有問題位置,其他位就用其他產品。 不過如果你個身/天氣好乾既話,咁就全身用都得! 我都會趁呢個秋冬用埋佢!!

Normally, we don’t need a body cream with a higher price tag unless it has special function, or very amazing scent or a wonderful texture that we cannot forget. However, when eczema is happening on the body, then it’s another story. We need to choose a suitable product which would soothe the itch. In this scenario, price point is not the top priority. Tatcha Indigo Soothing Body Butter is said to be suitable for eczema, sensitivity, after laser and hair removal treatment because it doesn’t only hydrate, it repairs as well! I tried it in summer and my eczema was quite itchy at that time. Texture-wise, it’s thicker and quite moisturising. It’s still spreadable and gets absorbed quickly, it does leave a bit of an oily aftermath on skin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not so heavy that your skin cannot breathe, it’s just that you would definitely feel a protective layer on skin. Skin is still smooth to touch and not sticky.

When I used this on my eczema area, I didn’t feel itchy anymore and the effect lasted till the next day. Moreover, the allergies on my skin didn’t come back as well. So, it’s a thumbs-up for me. It’s definitely hydrating, soothing and repairing in my eyes and my skin feels so smooth the next day, which is a bonus! However, my gut feeling tells me that many of you would find it a bit on the heavy side because when I used this in summer, I thought, “if the texture could be a wee bit lighter, that would be bloody perfect!” Hence why I put it away and re-test it now (autumn/ winter). I can confirm for drier months, it feels just right on skin! Well, if you have eczema or allergies on your body, give this a go. You can use this just on the affected area if you are on a budget or are not a fan of anything too moisturising. However, if your body/ the weather is very dry, it works great on the whole body! I plan to finish up this body butter this winter!!

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